Posted By: of troy name dropping - 02/13/05 04:31 PM
i am the only one who finds it rude?

you know, when someone who really doesn't know you (or doesn't really know a celebrity) persist in using your name (or the celebrities name) to convey an relationship, when one doesn't really exist..

Well, i was in DC last week, and stopped into the white house, and GEORGE and i got to talking.
(yeah, right, last week, when you were a parent/chaperone for the 8th grade trip, and went on a paid tour of the whitehouse...oh, and GEORGE? he's the bus driver)

I tend to read thread flat-- i occational go to threaded mode to clarify a responce, but 99% of the time i read threaded.

i try to post my replies threaded--that is, i use the respond 'button' on the corner of a specific post. i will sometimes copy (color) and paste a bit of the post i am responding to, (to make it clear to other flat mode readers) which post i am responding to.

i don't generally name drop. I rarely address faldage, or annastrophic, or mav(well, i flirt with mav when ever possible, but that has nothing to do with name dropping!)or anyone else, specifically in a post.

i don't think i am unique in this behavior. its seems very few posters do.

i don't much like name dropping. i think it is rude, and deceptive. its used as an attempt to convey a close personal relationship exist, when none does.

Posted By: maverick Re: name dropping - 02/13/05 04:43 PM
Relax, Helen. As Charles said to me at dinner the other evening, it's when they stop talking about you that you need to worry...

Posted By: Wordwind Re: name dropping - 02/13/05 05:04 PM
of troy, do you think I'm being rude when I refer to you in a post? I sure hope not. All previous mentions of your name have been in an affectionate manner. For example, in I&A I wrote about a movie I'd seen a couple nights ago--and mentioned that I'd thought of you the whole time.

Is that what you're getting at?

If so, I'm sorry and won't mention your name here again.

Posted By: of troy Re: name dropping - 02/13/05 05:49 PM
WW(there i am doing it!)
1--you don't do it consistantly (with me, or with any other specific poster)but occationally.

2--you do it in a consistant manner, that is, you use my name when you are not just replying to a post, but when you are also addressing me (or someone else) for specific clarification. (as you did above) I made a general statement about name dropping, and you didn't reply to the general idea, but specifical questioned me, and how i felt about your behavior.

3--You are not using my name to implying a relationship--we have one.. usually good, but it has had a few bumbs, (sometimes i am as clumsy as an elephant in a china shop, and i have inadvertantly hurt your feelings.) but we have met, spoken, broken bread together--and we have (or at least i think we have!) repaired hurt feelings.

you said: All previous mentions of your name have been in an affectionate manner. and yes, i percieve your affection.

but name dropping also is used to IMPLY a relationship, --statements, like Of troy, i am sure you know-- (how can a stranger be sure of what i know or don't know?-

i don't think you , or most poster go out of their way to address specific comments (REPEATEDLY, ADDRESS SPECICIC COMMENTS/white]) to me.
and when you do, you are doing so to specifical question my thoughts, not to claim you know what i am thinking, or what i know.

there is a difference between addressing a question or remark, and name dropping. and i dislike it when someone i don't know, uses my name (real or on line name) to imply, they are privy to my private thoughts!
(and now i have to go read A & I--i rarely go to the movies, and i didn't read the post!)

Posted By: musick Re: name dropping - 02/13/05 06:01 PM
I called up Helen a few years ago. We had a sweet conversation in the middle of all hell breaking loose... and then things got better. I'm quite sure it had nothing to do with that phone call, but it sure was swell talking to her.

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