Posted By: TEd Remington For the Irish blokes - 02/01/04 09:02 AM
This is a picture I took while in Ireland.


In America when one says "who cares?" it's meant sort of sarcastically, which is obviously (I hope) not the case in Ireland. What perzactly does this mean?

Posted By: dxb Re: For the Irish blokes - 02/02/04 10:55 AM
Well I happen to have an Irish name, so I’ll have a go.

‘Who cares?’ Has the same ‘who gives a damn?’ meaning on this side of the Atlantic. The sign is to attract attention and make you think. On the one hand, perhaps drivers who are still being careless are displaying a ‘Who cares’ attitude, on the other hand if you answer the question with the inward thought ‘I do’, then you will drive more carefully after seeing the sign; at least until you are out of Westmeath!

Posted By: hibernicus Re: For the Irish blokes - 02/02/04 05:35 PM
The explanation above is spot-on. There is no regionalism here, just a way of attracting attention by using a phrase that on the face of it is utterly inappropriate (the dominant meaning is a rhetorical way of saying "nobody cares; it is of no importance"), but has a second, literal meaning that is a query or a challenge to the reader.

Posted By: Jackie Re: For the Irish blokes - 02/03/04 01:28 AM
Ted, ohmigawd, some of these are priceless! How'd you ever find that site? Oh, never mind, I forgot who I was speaking to. I think the one "next" to yours is just about my favorite (the monolith); I also like the Japan one where there is apparently no way to meet the deadline, and I love the monkey one, esp. the drawings. Must confess that I first interpreted "Signal Turns When Speeding" meant that it must be okay not to signal your turns when you're not speeding!

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