Posted By: dalehileman Socialism prevails - 06/05/06 03:00 PM
Could someone better-read than I provide a link to the announcement of the U.S. Socialist leader declaring that all of Socialism's goals had been met in this country

Thanks guys
Posted By: of troy Re: Socialism prevails - 06/05/06 04:04 PM
this is not a political site.

we do not discuss religion or politics.

you can google it, (oh, yeah, by the way, google isn't made by bill gates so, you can use it sucessfully if you try) or find a socialist site (have you tried looking for the home page of the american socialist party?)i bet they have on, and have some part devoted to press releases like the one you mentioned.
Posted By: dalehileman Re: Socialism prevails - 06/05/06 06:05 PM
Helen: I wasn't stating a political opinion, only requesting a link to the assertion some decades ago by a leading Socialist El Maximo to the effect that all his objectives had been achieved in the U.S.

I did Google it of course but didn't have much luck because I couldn't remember his name

Whether or not his goal really had been accomplished, or if it had whether I think it's a good thing is of no consequence to my thread

But do keep tabs on participants breaching protocol for they are dangerous to good order
Posted By: musick It does prevail... doesn't it?! - 06/05/06 06:20 PM
Whether or not his goal really had been accomplished...

Not to flog a dead horse... but, my *culture believes that's essentially what you are *asking...

[disclaimer: use of asterisks withing this post are of a *socialist nature]
Posted By: dalehileman Re: It does prevail... doesn't it?! - 06/05/06 07:10 PM
mus: Your culture is mistaken. Reason for the question:

In the New World you have to pass a test to be promoted. I had composed an Op-Ed questioning the "right answer" to some of the questions, and my thread was posed in order to fill in my response [5)] concerning our economic system:

5) What is the economic system of the United States? Socialism: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism...–Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary

6) How long does it take the earth to orbit the sun? Answer: 365-15/62 days

10) What is the square footage of a room 10 feet by 12 feet? Depends on the length of your foot, also whether you mean square feet or feet square. If the latter, the answer is 10.954 ft

13) Name two works written by Shakespeare. Certain scholarly quarters maintain that he wrote nothing, that all his “works” were penned by a ghost writer, eg:


But I still need the link, as I haven't yet submitted the above--any help appreciated--Thanks guys
Posted By: tsuwm Re: It does prevail... doesn't it?! - 06/05/06 08:02 PM
>In the New World you have to pass a test to be promoted.

in what "New World" is this??

these answers read like the smart-alek answers of a freshman sociology student.
Posted By: dalehileman Re: It does prevail... doesn't it?! - 06/05/06 08:36 PM
One who knows the right answers

eg, There aren't 365-1/4 days in a year. Go Googling and you'll see

But thank you all for your tolerance, as my feeble thrusts at humor and persiflage are often misunderstood

I have been banned for less. One board threw me out just for using the exprs "leftpond" and "rightpond". I suppose it's because these terms leave the Australian in a state of limbo and therefore somehow smacked of racial discrimination and Political Incorrectness

But I still need help with that quotation--Thanks once more

Edited to indicate that it might have come from Norman Thomas or Eugene V Debs
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