It has been troubling me for some time that BelleMarduk's profile contains two statements that cannot both be true, and yet she would have us believe that they are. In one breath she tells us that her hobbies include "cross words", and in the next she claims to have "a genuinely positive and happy outlook on life." Which is it Bel? If you are so fond of "cross words" why haven't I seen you use any here - not so much as a merde!

Boy, you can't even get away with a typo in your bio

For the real belMarduk you'll have to look in my post tonight in the One For the Brits thread in Q&A. You will note that I am a shy and reserved, timid sort. A demure flower, yup, that’s me. Demure as all get go. I have demure oozing out my, well never mind where, just know that I have plenty of it and I’ll hogtie, oops, have words with in a gentle fashion, with anyone that says different.

And I have said dag nabbit plenty of times, mister .

Described by my family as a free form database .

I extracted this from your bio, cherie. I'm looking for a database - although preferably not free form. I spent the entire day looking at a data model which seems to be free form and shouldn't be. Do you have any advice?


I spent the entire day looking at a data model which seems to be free form and shouldn't be. Do you have any advice?

Sounds like you need the right kind of support, Cap.

However - If you take belM's description of her (data) attributes literally, she has no such need. She can stand up for herself.

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