Posted By: Wordwind Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/18/02 01:03 PM
A knucklehead is a blockhead, a stupid person, a dumbbell, etc.

But why's a knucklehead a knucklehead? Is it because one envisions taking one's knuckles and hitting on the knucklehead's head in order to wake up or stir up some activity beneath the bonehead's skull?

Just curious,

Posted By: wwh Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/18/02 02:40 PM
Dear WW: Diligent search uncovered only junk. My interpretation is that since knuckles are mostly dense bone with no room for even a tiny brain, it means the person so described is a brainless bonehead.

Posted By: TheFallibleFiend Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/18/02 02:53 PM

I was guessing it had something to do with a person's preference for bare-knuckle brawn over brain, but that makes sense, too.


Posted By: tsuwm Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/18/02 02:57 PM
it seems as though there are innumerable words of this ilk -- one of my favorites is 'gormless'.

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/18/02 06:57 PM

- Joe (I wish it was) Friday

Posted By: hev Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/18/02 10:11 PM
This from http://makeashorterlink.com/?F26941C8
(not sure of the credibility of the info but sounds okay - it's from a site that teaches english on the net).


Definition: A stupid person.

Example: 1) Charlie's a real knucklehead -- he's been in first grade for five years! 2) You knucklehead! How could you have mixed the the dog food with the cereal?

Etymology: A 'knuckle' is a joint or a place where bones meet, particularly the bones of the hand. This word suggests that someone's head looks like or has been hit by a hand, thus making the person stupid. And for whatever reason, the phrase just sounds funny.

That's the best I could come up with DubDub...

Posted By: Angel Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/19/02 12:26 AM

Knucklehead is also the name given to the 1936 Harley Davidson engine. If interested in info:

I'm a motorcyclist myself, although not a Harley enthusiast, but I know it is a very common term when describing Harleys. The machines, not the riders, as some would guess!

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/19/02 04:56 PM
Thanks, everybody. I like wwh's theory about the density of the knuckles and their not being able to contain even a tiny brain! And, Angel, I'm pretty sure I'll forget the Harley information since I pretty much forget everything put before me that has to do with the mechanical--but, heh, it was an interesting read!

Best regards,

Posted By: Sparteye Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/23/02 04:01 PM
Knuckle comes from ME knokel, akin to D kneukel, G Knochel, dim. of a word represented by D knok, G Knochen, meaning "bone," so I surmise that knucklehead is just another way of saying, as Dr Bill's post hints, bonehead.

BTW - knuckle down comes from the game of marbles, referring to the concentration of purpose manifested in a player who is on the floor, knuckle against the ground, preparing a shot, and knuckle under comes from the idea of bowing, knee to floor, in submission.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Knucklehead: Why 'Knuckle'? - 03/23/02 04:35 PM
Bravo, Sparteye! Knucklehead = Bonehead! Gotcha!

Boneheaded regards,