For example, "the storms winds blew without abate", or some such usage.

"without fail" and "continues unabated" exist.

Somehow, I have it in my head that "without abate" exists, but maybe a couple different expressions are getting mixed up in my head?

From wrath-red dawn to wrath-red dawn,
The guns have brayed without abate;
And now the sick sun looks upon
The bleared, blood-boltered fields of hate
As if it loathed to rise again.

from Rhymes of a Red Cross Man, by Robert William Service
thanks for that! i did my own search on the internet for "continues without abate" and it only came up with 26 hits... i guess at best it's a pretty estoeric usage. i used it in a translation i did for a japanese company and they flagged it as incorrect. perhaps they're basically correct.
You might say, "endlessly" or something like that, depending on the context.
"without-abate" gets 1170 hits
Originally Posted By: dalehileman
"without-abate" gets 1170 hits

Just so I can keep learning how to use the computer: where
do you go to get these "hits"?
I get 1190. <shrug> link

(some call these ghits, for google-hits.)

-joe (but note many of these are specious) friday
Originally Posted By: tsuwm
I get 1190. <shrug> link

I get 1,560 ghits going to tsuwm's link. YMMV.
I get "about 1,500".
Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8

Just so I can keep learning how to use the computer: where
do you go to get these "hits"?

I get "about 1220" which seemed small enough to try paging through them to see if it really thought there were anything like that many. The estimate went up to 1230 for a few pages, but it stopped at the 187th hit having decided all the rest were too similar to count.
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