Posted By: wwh monopsony - 08/28/02 01:00 PM
There is a medical word from same root:
opsonin n.
obs. opson(ium), relish (< L < Gr opsbnion, food, provisions < opsbnein, to buy food < opson, meat or any food eaten with bread < o3, together with + *psbn, food, bread, akin to psbmos, mouthful) + 3IN16 a substance in blood serum acting on bacteria and foreign cells to make them more liable to destruction by phagocytes

When you have seen the root, does it make any sense to pronounce it "mo Nopsony?

Posted By: Faldage Re: monopsony - 08/28/02 01:26 PM
When you have seen the root, does it make any sense to pronounce it "mo Nopsony?

We are not talking about *sense, here; we are talking about language. It's easier for the English speaking tongue to wrap itself around mo Nopsony than it is to wrap itself around mon Opsony.

Posted By: wwh Re: monopsony - 08/28/02 01:37 PM
Dear Faldage: What happens when a monopsony encounters a monopoly?

And how about a naranje becoming an orange, etc.?

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