Posted By: wwh p. 183 - 08/08/03 05:18 PM
waterspout, waterwheel, watery, watteau - eponymic of famous French landscape paiter, watts – you need many kilos of them.

Waveson (n.) Goods which, after shipwreck, appear floating on the waves, or sea

any of a group of small, Old World passerine birds (family Estrildidae) with waxy pink, scarlet, or white bills: some species are kept as cage birds


wayzgoose - a convention or excursion by a group of printers

5readoption of OE (WS) weald (ME weeld), forest, wold, wilderness < PGmc *walthu: see VOLE16 [Old Poet.]
1 a wooded area; forest
2 wild open country
The Weald region in SE England, in Surrey, Kent, & Sussex: formerly heavily forested

wean, weaselly, weatherly,

5< Ger, to wag < MHG wedelen < wedel, a tail < OHG wadil (akin to ON vcli, bird‘s tail), orig., something that moves about < IE *wct3 < base *we3, *awe3, to hover, blow > WIND26 Skiing a series of short parallel turns executed in rapid succession

weedery, weeknight,

WEEM comes from the word uamh' in Gaelic which means cave.

welder, Wellington, wenzel = German family name, wesselton = name of S.African diamond mine

whalebone, whangdoodle = whang is rural talk for penis. You take it from there.

whatnot, wheat, wheatear, wheatless, wheeled,

wheel horse
1 the horse, or one of the horses, harnessed nearest the front wheels of a vehicle
>2 a person who works especially hard and steadily in any enterprise


5ME welke < OE wioluc < IE base *wel3, to turn (with reference to the spiral shell) > WALK6 any of various families (esp. Buccinidae) of large marine snails which are often carnivorous and edible

whet, whether, whillikers = Gee whillikers = a censure avoiding exclamation, in place of a swear word

whiplash = recently word for injury of neck by sudden deceleration

whippoorwill = night birds whose cry sounds like that

whirlicote = an open car or chariot

whirlybird = helicopter

Posted By: Zed Re: wayzgoose - 08/09/03 12:11 AM
Printers get their own word for their conventions, Cool
Does anyone else?

Posted By: Wordwind Re:waveson - 08/09/03 10:56 AM
Waveson (n.) Goods which, after shipwreck, appear floating on the waves, or sea

Waveson and good ol' flotsam and jetsom. Wonder why waveson didn't join ranks and be spelled wavesom?

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