Posted By: wwh p. 159 - 07/14/03 05:26 PM
spliced, splic4ing 5MDu splissen, akin to splitten, to SPLIT6
1 to join or unite (ropes or rope ends) by weaving together the end strands
2 to join the ends of (timbers) by overlapping and binding or bolting together
3 to fasten the ends of (wire, motion-picture film, sound tape, etc.) together, as by twisting, soldering, cementing, etc.
4 [Slang] to join in marriage
a joint or joining made by splicing
A very useful thing to learn. When my kids had 4H aninmal projects, I could make them nicer lead ropes
than they could buy. Also very handy on my skiff’s painter and anchor.

splurge, splurgy, spoil, spoilage, spoilsport,

a cutting or planing tool consisting of a blade with a curved handle at either end; orig. used to shape spokes, but now used for trimming and smoothing rounded surfaces
Notice the ambiguous use of “either” to mean “at both ends” The tool is drawn toward the user, and
thickness of shaving well controlled.. I used one to make kids acceptable archery bows. A long ti;me ago, I used one to rough out billets of ash before putting them in the lathe to make baseball bats.

sploiliator - a conqueror who takes everything of value and destoys the rest

5ME sponde < L spondeum < spondeus, of a libation < Gr spondeios < spondc, solemn libation (such libations were accompanied by a solemn melody) < spendein, to present a libation: see SPONSOR6 a metrical foot of two long or accented syllables “How now, brown cow….”
spon[da[ic 7sp9n da4ik8

5SPORO3 + 3PHORE6 Bot. an organ or structure in various fungi that bears spores
spo[roph[o[rous 7spb r9f4!r !s8

sportswear, spotlight, spreader, sprig

springbok - antelope

sprinkling,spritsail, sprocket, spruce, spryness, spurnwater = W.C. Fields “fish defecate in it”.
squails - . pl. A table-game in which counters or disks are propelled towards some mark by snapping. App. introduced in 1857 by Mr. John Jaques, London.

squamulose - morphological term for lichens, = forming scales

squat, sqiatter. squdgy, squeak

squib 7skwib8
5prob. echoic6
1 a type of firecracker that burns with a hissing, spurting noise before exploding
2 a short, sharp, usually witty attack in words; lampoon
3 a short news item; filler
vt., vi.
squibbed, squib4bing
1 to shoot off (a squib)
squibbery - practise of publishing many squibs
squinch, squint, squire,

squirearch - a coinage:
“was their pastor and their bishop. McGuckin calls the elder Gregory not a hierarch, but a squirearch”. I don’t know how seriously ...

staatenbund, stabbing,

stade - one of several distance measurements in antiquity

staffage, stagecoach

Posted By: of troy Re: p. 159 - 07/14/03 06:03 PM
missing was squills, also known as wood hyaciths, a lovely bulb that naturalizes, and has purple(blue) or white or pink flowers in early may.

Squills and daffodils, give way to pillered roses
and to asters and to snow,
and still i go,
boned and stayed,
gorgusiously arrayed,
The softness of my body
hidden from embrace,
by each button, hook and lace.
For the man who should lose me
has died in a pattern called war
Christ! What are patterns for?

(from memory, the last lines of Amy Lowell's "Patterns")

Posted By: wwh Re: p. 159 - 07/14/03 07:31 PM
Dear of troy: The bulbs of squills can be used as a rat poison, with the disrable feature, that containing a cardiac glycoside, toxic doses cause a diuresis, which makes rats thirsty, so that the leave the house to go get water, and die outside the house.

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