Posted By: wwh Spelling bee list pate 99 - 04/30/03 12:29 AM
5ult.< ? LARK26 [Slang, Chiefly Austral.] a hoodlum or rowdy, esp. a you

5LARYNG(O)3 + 3ECTOMY6 the surgical removal of all or part of the larynx

5altered (infl. by YARD1) < ME lanyer < MFr laniere < OFr lasniere < lasne, noose, earlier nasle < Frank *nastila, a cord, lace, dim. of Gmc *nast3 < IE base *ned3 > L nodus, knot6
1 a short rope or cord used on board ship for holding or fastening something
2 a cord worn around the neck, as by sailors, from which to hang something, as a knife, whistle, etc.
3 a cord with attached hook, for firing certain types of cannon

latanier (noun) -

1. fan palms of the southern United States and the Caribbean region

5Fr latine < (voile) latine, Latin (sail) < fem. of L Latinus, LATIN6 designating or of a triangular, fore-and-aft-rigged sail attached to a long yard suspended obliquely from a short mast: now used chiefly on Mediterranean vessels
a lateen-rigged vessel Also la[teen$er

5Hindi6 in India, a heavy stick of bamboo and iron, used as a club esp. by police

After sufficient seedling growth (90-120 days) the plants were placed in the lathhouse for a hardening off period prior to
transplanting into the field. ...(I could not find definition, and some sites describing it were in pdf so I couldn't copy them. Laths as I know them are boards about an inch and a half wide and a quarter inch thick. Before sheetrock became available, frame house interior walls were covered with laths spaced about a quarter of an inch apart, then slow
setting plaster of paris with sand and cow hair mixed in was troweled on. A job requiring
considerable experience and skill.
Apparently the lathhouse is used as an intermediary between the hothouse, and trnasplantin outdoors. I have never seen one. I'm not going to get into a lather over it.

Posted By: of troy Re: Spelling bee list pate 99 - 04/30/03 01:07 AM
5altered (infl. by YARD1) < ME lanyer < MFr laniere < OFr lasniere < lasne, noose, earlier nasle < Frank *nastila, a cord, lace, dim. of Gmc *nast3 < IE base *ned3 > L nodus, knot6
1 a short rope or cord used on board ship for holding or fastening something
2 a cord worn around the neck, as by sailors, from which to hang something, as a knife, whistle, etc.
3 a cord with attached hook, for firing certain types of cannon

i know this word, i have used it for a vinyl, flat cording, that is woven into ropes, and used to hold keys (so it would be close to defination 2.)

The park employees always had reels of lanyard--which we use to make lanyards.. there was diamond "stitch", a firm tight rope design, that resulted in the two different tones of lanyard creating a design with diamond shapes, Box, (square shape) barrel (similar to box, but spiral design made the sides seem rounded) cobra, a striped design like the body of the snake..

we wore the lanyards round our neck, holding most often a house key.. in the summer we were expected to fend for our selves when our mothers needed to run errands (like going to the bank, and having the quartly interest recorded), or going to the utility office to pay the bill, (and save the cost of a money order and a stamp) or when mother had a doctors appointment.

craft stores still sell the stuff, and i have taught my neices and nephews the 'stitches', my siblings had total forgotten how to weave them.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Spelling bee list pate 99 - 04/30/03 05:53 AM
In reply to:

5ult.< ? LARK26 [Slang, Chiefly Austral.] a hoodlum or rowdy, esp. a you

A you? You sayin' I'm a hoodlum, wwh? Come on! Put up your dukes!

Posted By: tsuwm Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 04/30/03 01:41 PM
solipsism abounds..

Posted By: Wordwind Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 04/30/03 04:56 PM
tsuwm, what's the word for tooseriousliism?

Posted By: wwh Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 04/30/03 05:16 PM
Dear WW: my edit, paste....misbehaved.
5ult.< ? LARK26 [Slang, Chiefly Austral.] a hoodlum or rowdy, esp. a young one

Posted By: tsuwm Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 04/30/03 05:21 PM
>what's the word for tooseriousliism?

in some cases, asteism

Posted By: of troy Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 04/30/03 05:25 PM
Re: what's the word for tooseriousliism?

I would say prig(priggish)-- but I would never apply it to tsuwm!

there might be 'softer' insults, that imply tooseriousliism but i can't think of any.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 04/30/03 06:02 PM
I've gotta quote tsuwm. I checked out asteism since that was news to me. It warn't in MW unabridged, so I checked onelook, and there tsuwm was along with 7 other references out of the over 800 availables.

And here's what tsuwm wrote about asteism:

[rhet] genteel irony, polite and ingenious mockery;
a... handsome way of deriding another -- Chambers

Posted By: wwh Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 04/30/03 11:42 PM
Or the agelast who never laughs.
And my dictionary says solipsism is a theory. Practised by bounders?
Posted By: dxb Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 05/01/03 09:28 AM
'softer' insults, that imply tooseriousliism ~ of troy

Oh! You are an old sober-sides!

Posted By: tsuwm Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 05/01/03 01:39 PM
>in some cases, asteism

in all others, it's prolly just alterity.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 05/01/03 06:20 PM
In reply to:

>in some cases, asteism

in all others, it's prolly just alterity.

Talk about solipsism! Takin' up talkin' to yourself, tsuwm?

Posted By: tsuwm Re: I'm talkin' to you! - 05/01/03 06:25 PM
somebody had to do it (IMO).

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