Posted By: wwh p.97 - 04/23/03 10:40 PM
5TalmudHeb kidush, sanctification root kdt: see KADDISH6 Judaism a benediction recited over wine or bread on the eve of the Sabbath or a festival

kindle 1
3dled, 3dling 5ME kindlen, freq. ON kynda, to set on fire, akin to MHG k=nten6
1 to set on fire; ignite
2 to light (a fire)
3 to arouse or excite (interest, feelings, etc.)
4 to cause to light up; make bright
1 to catch fire
2 to become excited
3 to become bright !eyes kindling with joy"
curtal, kirtle

Curtal Friar.

A friar who served as an attendant at the gate of a monastery court. As a curtal dog was not
privileged to hunt or course, so a curtal friar virtually meant a worldly-minded one.

"Some do call me the curtal Friar of Fountain Dale; others again call me in jest the Abbot
of Fountain Abbey; others still again call me simply Friar Tuck."-Howard Pyle: The
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, ii. p. 141.
curtal dog - dogs belonging to the serfs had had foot pads cut to prenent their chasing deer.
5ME kirtel OE cyrtel (akin to ON kyrtill) Gmc *kurt3, short ( L curtus: see CURT) + 3el, dim. suffix6 [Archaic]
1 a man's tunic or coat
2 a woman's dress or skirt

kit[ti[wake 7kit4i wak#8
pl. 3wakes# or 3wake# 5echoic of its cry6 any of a genus (Rissa) of small gulls of the northern oceans, that nest in cliffs and have a short or rudimentary hind toe

5Hopi6 in a Pueblo Indian dwelling, a large room used for religious and other purposes

klipspringer 8
pl. 3ers or 3er 5Afrik Du klip, a rock, cliff + springer, springer6 a small, agile mountain antelope (Oreotragus oreotragus) of S and E Africa
klip[spring[er 7klip4spri%#!r8
pl. 3ers or 3er 5Afrik Du klip, a rock, cliff + springer, springer6 a small, agile mountain antelope (Oreotragus oreotragus) of S and E Africa

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