Posted By: wwh Page 86 - 04/07/03 03:43 PM
hypallage - the interchange in syntactic relationship between two terms.
T;he sentence "You are become dead to the law" is hypallage for
"The law has become dead to you."

Just in case you are unsure of definition of "syntax":
syntax (It's not a tax on sin!)
5Fr syntaxe < LL syntaxis < Gr < syntassein, to join, put together < syn3, together + tassein, to arrange: see TAXIS6
1 orig., orderly or systematic arrangement
2 Gram., Linguis. a) the arrangement of and relationships among words, phrases, and clauses forming sentences; sentence structure b) the study of this
3 Comput.
a) the structure of statements in a computer language b) the rules governing this structure
4 Logic syntactics as applied to language in the abstract with no meaning attached either to the symbols or to the expressions constructed from these symbols

1 having abnormally high tension or tone, esp. of the muscles
2 having an osmotic pressure higher than that of an isotonic solution

hyperopia (also hypermetropia)
Farsightedness or hyperopia, occurs when
light entering the eye focuses behind the
retina, instead of directly on it. This is caused
by a cornea that is flatter, or an eye that is
shorter, than a normal eye. Farsighted
people usually have trouble seeing up close,
but may also have difficulty seeing far away
as well.

5L hypocaustum < Gr hypokauston < hypokaiein, to heat by applying fire below < hypo3 (see HYPO3) + kaiein, to burn6 a space below the floor in some ancient Roman buildings, into which hot air was piped to warm the rooms
Some of the Roman ruins in Britain had such heating, but the British apparently
never attempted to copy it for many centuries.

hypoglycemia - low blood sugar e.g. from overdose of insulin

hypokalemia - low blood potassium

The next word was hypozeugma in searching for it I found a new splendid rhetoric site

5Chin hsi-tchun, lit., blooming spring, first crop6 a variety of Chinese green tea: the early crop is called young hyson, and the inferior leaves are called hyson skin

5< Fr or L; Fr ichnographie < L ichnographia < Gr, a tracing out, ground plan: see prec. & 3GRAPHY6
1 a scale drawing of the ground plan of a building; floor plan

5< Fr or L; Fr ichnographie < L ichnographia < Gr, a tracing out, ground plan: see prec. & 3GRAPHY6
1 a scale drawing of the ground plan of a building; floor plan
2 the art of drawing such plans

5ICHNO3 + 3LOGY6 the scientific study of fossil footprints

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