Posted By: wwh Friday - 03/21/03 06:11 PM
mystic 7mis4tik8
5ME mistik < L mysticus < Gr mystikos, belonging to secret rites < mystcs, one initiated: see MYSTERY16
1 of mysteries, or esoteric rites or doctrines
3 of obscure or occult character or meaning !mystic powers"
4 beyond human comprehension; mysterious or enigmatic
5 filling one with wonder or awe
6 having magic power
1 a person initiated into esoteric mysteries
2 a believer in mysticism; specif., one who professes to undergo mystical experiences and so to comprehend intuitively truths beyond human understanding

myth 7mi08
5LL mythos < Gr, a word, speech, story, legend6
1 a traditional story of unknown authorship, ostensibly with a historical basis, but serving usually to explain some phenomenon of nature, the origin of man, or the customs, institutions, religious rites, etc. of a people: myths usually involve the exploits of gods and heroes: cf. LEGEND
2 such stories collectively; mythology
3 any fictitious story, or unscientific account, theory, belief, etc.
4 any imaginary person or thing spoken of as though existing

abbrev. mythology

5ModL: see fol. & EDEMA6a disease caused by failure of the thyroid gland and characterized by a drying and thickening of the skin and a slowing down of physical and mental activity
myx#e[de$ma[tous 73t!s8

5see prec. & 3OSIS6
1 the presence of many myxomas
2 an infectious virus disease in rabbits, transmitted by mosquitoes and characterized by tumorous growths resembling myxomas
About fifty years ago, rabbits were such a problem in Australia that myxoma virus was used to reduce their
numbers. Now rabbit fanciers are trying to legalize a myxoma vaccine. Some people never learn.

nacre, nacreous - the creamy irridesce of some seashells. Mother of pearl.

namaysu;ch - Salvelinus namaycush
Lake trout

nappe - from solid geometry sevety years ago I remember this word, and it isn’t in my dictionary!
One of the two pieces of a double cone (i.e., two cones placed apex to apex).

nar[co[lep[sy 7n9r4k! lep#sc8
5NARCO3 + 3LEPSY6 a condition of frequent and uncontrollable desire for sleep; paroxysmal sleep
adj., n.
Charles Dickens (1812-1870) populated his compendious work with a throng of memorable characters, one of whom has won him a place in the annals of medicine. He accomplished this with the figure of a fat, sleepy servant boy named Joe, who made one brief entrance in Chapter 54 of The Pickwick Papers (1837). This comic caricature survived in medical lore as a classic case of sleep apnea, “the Pickwickian Syndrome.”

narial - of or pertaining to the nostrils - a sneer is not a sneer withoul a narial flare

narratage From M-W online:
For instance, did you know there's a name for the technique (familiar to filmgoers) whereby the voice of a narrator usually begins and often supplements the actual story, giving the illusion that the story itself is merely an expansion of his own words? It's known as narratage.

5L nascens, prp. of nasci, to be born: see GENUS6
1 coming into being; being born
2 beginning to form, start, grow, or develop: said of ideas, cultures, etc.
3 Chem. designating or of the state of an element just released from a compound and having unusual chemical activity because atoms of the element have not combined to form molecules !nascent chlorine"
nas4cence or nas4cen[cy

naumachia !8
pl. 3chi[as or 3chi[ae# 73c#8 5L < Gr naus, ship (see NAVY) + machc, battle6
1 in ancient Rome, a mock sea battle
2 a place constructed for this Also nau[ma[chy 7nC4m! kc8, pl. 3chies
Anything to make a Roman holiday.

nautch 7nC)8
5Hindi nac < Prakrit nacca < Sans nTtya, dancing < nTt, to dance6 in India, a performance by professional dancing girls (nautch girls)
Does not refer to the notch in the crotch.

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