Posted By: wwh elegy,elegiac - 01/20/03 01:46 AM
pl. 3gies 5Fr =l=gie < L elegia < Gr elegeia < elegos, a lament < ? IE base *el3 > ALMS6
1 any poem in elegiac verse
2 a poem or song of lament and praise for the dead, as Shelley‘s “Adonais”
3 any poem, song, etc. in a mournfully contemplative tone !Gray‘s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”"

5LL elegiacus < Gr elegeiakos < elegeia: see ELEGY6
1 Gr. & Latin Prosody of or composed in dactylic-hexameter couplets, the second line (sometimes called a pentameter) having only an accented syllable in the third and sixth feet: the form was used for elegies and various other lyric poems
2 of, like, or fit for an elegy
3 sad; mournful; plaintive Also el[e[gi[a[cal 7el#! jj4! k!l8
1 an elegiac couplet
2 [pl.] a series of such couplets; poem or poems written in such couplets

pl. 3dies 5ME prosodye < L prosodia < Gr prosbidia, tone, accent, song sung to music < pros, to + bidc, song: see ODE6
1 the science or art of versification, including the study of metrical structure, stanza forms, etc.
2 a particular system or style of versification and metrical structure !Dryden‘s prosody"

Posted By: wwh Re: éloge - 01/20/03 01:48 AM
Funeral oration, panegyric. Sometimes just "praise". The only place I could find it was in
Forthright's Phrontistery. Goddam online French dictionaries are a pain.

Posted By: wwh Re: elutriate - 01/20/03 01:52 AM
3at#ed, 3at#ing 5< L elutriatus, pp. of elutriare, to wash out, rack off < eluere < e3, out + luere, var. of lavare, to LAVE16 to purify (an insoluble powder) by washing and straining or by decanting

Posted By: wwh Re:email vs e-mail - 01/20/03 02:03 AM
A reason to use the hyphen when electronic mail is meant. Scripps-Howard word list
says "email" is French for a color, a moderate greenish-blue to bluish green
Often used in cloissoné.

5Fr, lit., partitioned < cloison, partition < VL *clausio < L clausus: see CLOSE16 designating or of a kind of enamel work in which the surface decoration is set in hollows formed by thin strips of wire welded to a metal plate
cloisonné enamel

Posted By: wwh Re:embolus - 01/20/03 02:14 AM
pl. 3li$ 73lj$8 5ModL < Gr embolos, anything put in, wedge < emballein < en3, in + ballein, to throw: see BALL26 any foreign matter, as a blood clot or air bubble, carried in the bloodstream and capable of causing an embolism

My grandmother died of a pulmonary embolus. Over a hundred years ago, it had not been learned that
it was extremely undesirable to keep women in bed for weeks after childbirth. The sluggish flow in deep
leg veins can promote formation of a rubbery clot the size of a small eel, which is at first attached to
the vein wall, but can become detached and go up the vena cava into right auricle and completely
block it, causing pain and sudden death.
Recently there have been warnings that passengers in economy seats on long airplane flights
may have lesser but serious problems.

Posted By: wwh Re: empiric - 01/20/03 02:17 AM
5L empiricus < Gr empeirikos, experienced < empeiria, experience < en3, in + peira, a trial, experiment: see FARE6
1 a person who relies solely on practical experience rather than on scientific principles
2 [Archaic] a charlatan; quack

Posted By: wwh Re: emulsion, emulsify - 01/20/03 02:21 AM
5ModL emulsio < L emulsus, pp. of emulgere, to milk or drain out < e3, out + mulgere, to MILK6 a stable colloidal suspension, as milk, consisting of an immiscible liquid dispersed and held in another liquid by substances called emulsifiers; specif., a) Pharmacy such a suspension used as a vehicle for medication b) Photog. a suspension of a salt of silver, platinum, etc. in gelatin or collodion, used to coat plates, film, and paper
e[mul4sive 73siv8

emulsify = what you do when you shake the salad dressing hard enough to mix it thoroughly.

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