Posted By: wwh tintype - 12/24/03 10:28 PM
"I've been used to seeing time-pieces treated with more politeness and esteem--except women's watches, of course, which by nature they abuse by cracking walnuts with 'em and having 'em taken showing in tintype pictures.'

How about a show of hands? how many of us have ever owned
a daguerrotype?

Posted By: of troy Re: tintype - 12/25/03 01:15 AM
my ex'es grand father was a photographer-- his big old oak and brass camera that used glass plates in on permemnent loan to a friend who is a photographer-- (he repaid the loan by giving us new prints of all the old glass negitives)
many of the images were 'commerical post card images'--some from a sales brochure for a 'planned community'{Floral Park), some from a now defunct beach club in the south Bronx.
in addition, the family had a large collections of daguerrotypes, including some with 'tax stamps' on the back.

some restoration villiages will take a daguerrotype photos as fund raisers..so my image has also been recorded on a metal plate!

(you can also get images etched/developed on 14K gold lockets-- using a similar technique)

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