Posted By: wwh Le Brun - 12/03/03 05:59 PM
"His preoccupied face so clearly denoted the pursuit
in which he was engaged, that every cripple at the post-houses, not
blind, who shoved his little battered tin-box in at the carriage
window for Charity in the name of Heaven, Charity in the name of
our Lady, Charity in the name of all the Saints, knew as well what
work he was at, as their countryman Le Brun could have known it
himself, though he had made that English traveller the subject of
a special physiognomical treatise."


An ancient joke about phrenology. A young enthusiast of that dubious science, invited his girlfriend to go to a lecture on that subject. She declined, and when he was trying to make up his mind about breaking the date, she told him he could flip a coin, and take his choice.
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