Posted By: wwh reprobate - 03/31/03 02:54 AM
I word I don't remember having seen before, except to call
a person of bad habits "a reprobate" meaning of low esteem.

"The House, however, by the management of a certain member, took it up when I happen’d to be absent, which I thought not very fair, and reprobated it without paying any attention to it at all, to my no small mortification."

3bat#ed, 3bat#ing 5ME reprobaten < LL(Ec) reprobatus, pp. of reprobare: see REPROVE6
1 to disapprove of strongly; condemn
2 to reject
3 Theol. to damn
1 a) unprincipled b) totally bad; corrupt; depraved
2 Theol. damned
1 an unprincipled or totally bad person
2 Theol. a person damned; lost soul

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