Posted By: wwh Tuesday - 03/11/03 06:28 PM
I couldn't access the word list I was using. So here are some French words
from Carolyn's Corner:
Espionage = spying
moulage= what my dentist did, to get impression to make my partial
Sabotage - recent thread mentioned putting wooden shoe into machinery to wreck it
camouflage - military use of patches of diffeent colors to make things harder to see
Can anyone think of a use of camouflage earlier than the one in Mabeth
when Birnam wood came to high Dunsinane?
badinage - playful exchange of quips
vernissage - Not in any of several online French dictionaries, but IS in my ten buck CD
pl. 3sages$ 73s9&$8 5Fr, lit., varnishing (see VARNISH & 3AGE): in allusion to the former practice of varnishing paintings before exhibiting6 the opening, or first showing, of an art exhibit

fuselage - body of an airplane
escamotage - sleight of hand, street juggler, mystifying by legerdemain

5ME < MFr leger de main, lit., light of hand < leger ( LL *levarius < L levis, LIGHT2) + de (< L de, of, from) + main < L manus, hand6
1 sleight of hand; tricks of a stage magician
2 trickery of any sort; deceit

empennage - the "tailfeathers" of an airplane, horizontal stabilizer and vertical fin

. Cartonnage is a type of cardboard-like material. It was used by the ancient Egyptians
in a manner similar to how we would use papier-mâché today

. Bariolage is a term describing back and forth motion between strings and is a
bowing technique. I was speaking of a pedal tone, which ...

5MFr < esquiper: see prec.6
1 the furnishings, accessories, or outfit of a ship, army, expedition, etc.; equipment
2 a carriage, esp. one with horses and liveried servants
3 [Archaic] a) toilet articles b) a case for these
4 [Archaic] retinue; body of attendants

5Fr, a pasting < colle, paste < Gr kolla, glue6
1 an art form in which bits of objects, as newspaper, cloth, pressed flowers, etc. are pasted together on a surface in incongruous relationship for their symbolic or suggestive effect
2 a composition so made
3 any collection of seemingly unrelated bits and parts, as in a photomontage
3laged$, 3lag4ing to arrange (material) in a collage

Posted By: Faldage Re: Tuesday - 03/11/03 06:35 PM
All those -age words…

Posted By: wwh Re: Tuesday - 03/11/03 08:46 PM
Just for you, Faldage:

Nu kan vi naturligvis ikke vide, om Alexander at the Cross har været et særligt magtfuldt medlem af gårdmandsklassen. Men, at
han, økonomisk såvel som socialt, indtog en position der, set med mere ydmyg landboeres øjne, måtte opfattes som
privilegeret, det kan der vist ikke herske tvivl om. Alexander er nemlig en hyppig gæst i kildematerialet frem til 1312.
Godsregnskaberne fra 1297 og 1307 fortæller, at Alexander betalte for at lade sine kreaturer græsse på abbedens enge, og vi
får desuden at vide, at han betalte faldagio, dvs. fik ret til at lade sine fårs gødning komme sin egen jord til gode i stedet for,
som alle andre, at skulle sprede den på domænen.

From: http://hjem.get2net.dk/middelalderhistorie/Elton2.html

Posted By: Faldage Re: Tuesday - 03/11/03 08:59 PM
Taxa meka, Dr Bill.

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