Posted By: Wordwind Brainy Dictionary - 02/10/05 01:41 AM
Here's still another online dictionary. I like this one because it is easy to get around and I can see long lists of alphabetized words all at once.

Max, I don't think this one's on your site:


Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Brainy Dictionary? - 02/10/05 10:51 AM

of Groove


Posted By: Jackie Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/10/05 01:58 PM
Wow, that's neat, WW! I too like to be able to see a whole list. Just for fun, I checked the list of KY words, and learned that ky = kine. I was puzzled by this entry, though:

A litany beginning with the words.

The encyclopedia link was considerably more helpful in explaining what a kyrielle is, but not what the above def. means.

Hey, it has a really cool Translation Links button at the bottom! I've bookmarked this one.

Posted By: of troy Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/10/05 04:29 PM
A litany beginning with the words.

like the short kyria elason? (lord forgive me, i know not how to spell in english, and i am far worse when attempting latin!)

an RC prayer,
kyria elason, chrystae elason, (lord forgive me, christ forgive me)
these are the chanted (or receited answers) to 'litanies.'
So the priest would intone:
for the sins of the world. --or other 'prayers'
and the congregation would respond,
with kryia eleson. (or chrystia elason)

now days, done in english, (lord forgive me, christ forgive me)
when done in gregorian chant, it has an almost hypnotic quality..

Posted By: TEd Remington Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/10/05 05:11 PM
I think it's Kyrie elaison or something like that, and it's actually Greek, and so far as I know it's the only Greek in the Latin version of the RC mass.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: kyrie eleison - 02/10/05 06:38 PM
"Its introduction into the Roman Mass has been much discussed."


Posted By: tsuwm Re: groving - 02/10/05 07:04 PM
groving (vbl n.) - the cutting of a groove or channel

e.g., Groving is much easier with the proper tools.

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Groove. is the entire entry for groving in 1913 Webster's D.

Posted By: themilum Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/10/05 11:17 PM
Great site, Wordwind, thank you.

Like you I love the scope.
Don't bluff me, now I have it on a bookmarked slot.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/11/05 01:29 AM
Another reason I like this source is because I don't think onelook.com references it yet. My assumption is based on the fact that I looked for a word that hadn't been listed on any site on onelook.com, but I found it on the Brainy Dictionary through Google.

Course, it could have been a flaw in the system. tsuwm once mentioned that his newest words took a while to become referenced on onelook.com--so my random word, whatever it was, could have been one of those instances.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/11/05 04:11 AM
>newest words took a while to become referenced

this is simply due to the fact that OneLook doesn't automagically re-index all of those dictionaries. they used to have some sort of periodic schedule (spread out through the year) and wwftd was updated on ~6mo. cycle. it works different now, as they seem to detect when I update as a trigger. but maybe not; if someone updated very often (say daily) that might cause problems. they might have just changed the update algorithm to suit the source -- some of those resources *never get updated.<shrug>

be that as it may, you can browse OneLook to see their entire base and scan or search for a specific resource.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/11/05 08:46 AM
Ah, I haven't ever browsed onelook to browse their sources, tsuwm. Will do so right now to check for Brainy.

Edit: Well, no listing yet on onelook.com of brainydictionary.com...so, I sent onelook an email requesting that this source be added to their over 900 dictionary and lexicon listings. What a good feeling to help make an already great source a little better!
Posted By: tsuwm Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/11/05 02:14 PM

A litany beginning with the words.

the problem here (as it was with groving) appears to be with the way that Brainy used Webster's 1913. once again, here is the original entry:

n. [Cf. F. kyrielle.] A litany beginning with the words. Kyrie eleison." Shipley.

most usage of the 1913 hasn't edited the source; Brainy has seemingly taken an unfortunate tack, quitting at the first full stop (which apparently was meant to be a ", in this case).

Webster's 1913 Unabr. became public domain in 1988; here is the whole story explaining how that came to be: http://snipurl.com/cpgm. the relationship between the 1913 and the modern Merriam-Webster dictionary is described as "tenuous at best".

I'm only carping at this because we rather quickly uncovered two problems with def'ns, a rather critical element of any dictionary. :)

-joe (caveat emptor) friday

p.s. - irrespective of edits, I am very circumstpect in using the 1913. here is the best direct link to it.

Posted By: Jackie Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/11/05 03:13 PM
n. [Cf. F. kyrielle.] A litany beginning with the words. Kyrie eleison." Shipley.
Thank you. I thought that might be it, but.

most usage of the 1913 hasn't edited the source; Brainy has seemingly taken an unfortunate tack, quitting at the first full stop (which apparently was meant to be a ", in this case).
Think they'd change their ways if we told 'em this?

Posted By: tsuwm Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/11/05 03:18 PM
>Think they'd change their ways if we told 'em this?

/answering question with question mode on

think they'd want to edit 109,562 entries?

/answering question with question mode off

-joe (although they could probably just change their algorithm) friday

Posted By: Jackie Re: Brainy Dictionary - 02/11/05 03:47 PM
That's what I meant, yeah...

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