Posted By: milum W.M.D. - 01/06/03 04:25 PM
W.M.D. Voted 2002's Word of the Year
(AP) - A long-winded phrase whose meaning reflects a nation's worry about war with Iraq has been voted 2002's word of the year. The American Dialect Society selected "weapons of mass destruction" as its annual choice at a meeting in Atlanta. "The term goes back 50 years, but you can't turn on the radio or television without hearing about 'weapons of mass destruction,'" said Wayne Glowka, an English professor at Georgia College & State University who is also chairman of the society's new words committee.

The American Dialect Society, founded in 1889, has been choosing words of the year since 1990.

"There is no scientific method of determining which words or phrases will be named words-of-the-year," said Allan Metcalf, executive secretary of the group. "It's kind of like Time magazine determining the whistle-blowers were the person-of-the-year. There is no objective way of determining it. It's all done with a show of hands."

The phrase "regime change" was voted most euphemistic, not so much for its connotations to Iraq, but because people started using it to describe other changes of leadership.

"Like when a team fires a coach, they call it 'regime change,'" Glowka said.

There was only one nomination for 2002's most inspirational word: "embetterment," coined by President Bush (news - web sites). But even though it was the only candidate in that category, it was voted down because "people didn't want to encourage it," Glowka said.

Other words won superlatives from the American Dialect Society:

_ Wombanization, a synonym for feminization, won most unnecessary because it's hard to pronounce.

_ Neuticles, a brand name for fake testicles for neutered pets, was named the most outrageous word.

_ Blog, a log of personal events posted on the Web, was voted most likely to succeed.

Iraqnaphobia, meaning a strong fear of war with Iraq, won most creative.


Well what do ya think?

Posted By: Faldage Re: W.M.D. - 01/06/03 04:29 PM
I love that the ADS's Word o' the Year is high up on whoozi's Banned Words list.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: W.M.D. - 01/06/03 04:36 PM
Thanks for posting this, milum. I think their word last year was "weapons-grade." Frightening trend.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: W.M.D. - 01/06/03 04:51 PM
Well, at the end of the day...

>weapons of mass destruction<

Yes, ubiquitous, now, as the above nauseating phrase. But how big is the required mass to earn the phrase as label...a bit subjective, don't you think? I mean, machine guns didn't do too badly at the First Battle of the Somme in WWI, for instance. Grapeshot was fairly effective for destroying masses of men during the US Civil War, too.

Neuticles is new to me!

So, I guess a begrudging improvement would be embittered embetterment?

Posted By: tsuwm Re: W.M.D. - 01/06/03 04:54 PM
>ADS's Word o' the Year is high up on whoozi's Banned Words list.

one hopes that, in spite of the "American" in the organization's name, that there is some irony embedded (if not embettered) in their selections.

Posted By: Wordwind Post deleted by Wordwind - 01/06/03 09:47 PM
Posted By: Faldage Re: Neuticles - 01/06/03 10:58 PM
Why would one want to put neuticals on a pet?

Dog: Give him something to lick.

Cat: You just don't understand how embarrassing it can be to an erstwhile tom. Course you need some artificial pheromones, too.

Posted By: TEd Remington Re: Neuticles - 01/07/03 12:49 AM
Neutered dogs are, I believe, exluded from AKC=sponsosred dog shows. Why anyone would want to go to the trouble of getting a neutered animal declared a champion is beyond me. The bloodline ENDS!

Posted By: Wordwind Post deleted by Wordwind - 01/07/03 07:30 AM
Posted By: TEd Remington Re: Neuticles - 01/07/03 02:39 PM
Actually, there's more to the neutered thing than I thought. It seems that some years ago the AKC began authorizing two types of registrations for pure-bred animals, one unlimited and one restricted.

Dogs in the restricted category are deemed by the breeder to be unfit for show, and are ineligible for showing in the ring, though they can compete in other categories, such as earthdog, coonhound, coursing, and a couple of others. Apparently most such dogs are sold with a requirement that the new owner spay or neuter the puppy, and the AKC appears to assist in this effort to clean up the blood lines by refusing to register offspring of a dog in the restricted category.

The A in AKC probably stands for Aryan now!



The earthdog was a new one on me!

Posted By: Bingley Cloning the Oldfashioned Way - 01/08/03 05:54 AM
Article about dog breeding and its deleterious effects on the dogs from the Christmas/New Year edition of the Economist: http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?story_id=1487634

Posted By: Jackie Re: Cloning the Oldfashioned Way - 01/08/03 01:04 PM
Cute subject title, Bingley! I won't go read the article, though. I cannot bear the thought of less than top-notch treatment of animals.

Posted By: Capfka Re: Cloning the Oldfashioned Way - 01/08/03 01:40 PM
Mariah, I just met a dog called Mariah ... a shaggy dog story from an old musical ...

- Pfranz
Posted By: Faldage Away out here they have a name - 01/08/03 01:46 PM
And they call the dog Mariah.

Posted By: Jackie Re: Cloning the Oldfashioned Way - 01/08/03 01:47 PM
Hey--you haven't actually met my dog!

Posted By: Faldage Re: Dog Mariah - 01/08/03 02:01 PM
Love you, love your dog.

Posted By: Wordwind Post deleted by Wordwind - 01/08/03 02:11 PM
Posted By: musick Re: Dog Mariah - 01/12/03 07:22 PM
And they called it 'puppy love'...

Posted By: Faldage Re: Cloning the Oldfashioned Way - 01/12/03 09:09 PM
all hares are created equal with feet of equal length

Naw. But there's a range into which the pug's foot should not encroach.

Posted By: dxb Re: Away out here they have a name - 01/13/03 08:02 AM
And they call the dog Mariah.- Faldage

If its digestion is anything like my dog's then its a good choice of name! We tried to teach her better manners, but she was a Loewe Lerner.

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