Posted By: of troy keiva is crazy - 06/29/02 12:12 AM
Stark raving mad.
Out of touch with reality
Suffering from mental delusions
Not in his full senses
Disoriented to reality, confused.
Non compus mentus.
Mental ill.
Seriously mental damaged
Inteligent, but not in touch with reality.

and these are his good points.

Posted By: wwh Re: keiva is crazy - 06/29/02 12:19 AM
Dear pf troy: much as I dislike Keiva, I must tell you that he is perfectly sane,
though a pernicious pain in the posterior.

Posted By: Keiva Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:22 AM
To Ms. of-troy:

Retraction demanded. That was nasty.

Posted By: consuelo Re: keiva is crazy - 06/29/02 12:22 AM
Dr. Bill, I humbly ask you what is sane about a person that knows he is not wanted or appreciated and yet insists on hanging around? Please explain the psychology of that behavior.

Posted By: wwh Re: keiva is crazy - 06/29/02 12:24 AM
Dear Keiva: Yes it was nasty. But as the Katzenjammer Kids Captain said, you brung in on yourself.

Posted By: Keiva Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:26 AM
consuelo, dr. bill knows better than to issue a psychiatric profile, in public, upon someone whom he has never met and concerning whom he does not have ... how shall we say it ... professional detachment.

Posted By: wwh Re: keiva is crazy - 06/29/02 12:29 AM
Dear Keiva: I think I was more kind to you than you deserve. But you will be
obliged to recognize that I have not indulged in mere vituperation, though sorely

Posted By: Keiva Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:30 AM
But as the Katzenjammer Kids Captain said, you brung in on yourself.

No sir, of-troy is a mature adult and is responsible for her own action.

Posted By: consuelo Re: keiva is crazy - 06/29/02 12:33 AM
If you will note, I merely asked for an explanation of a certain type of psychological behavior, not your psychiatric profile, but then, I guess I forgot. No one can ask for clarification of anything because we all should know by now that it is all about you, not words. Funny, you didn't seem to complain when he assured us that you are not crazy.

Posted By: wwh Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:33 AM
But your actions and words are so contemptible they would try the patience of a saint.

Posted By: Keiva Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:35 AM
dr. bill, you and I were posting simultaneously.

You will be obliged to recognize that I have not indulged in mere vituperation, though sorely tempted.
let me add,
You will be obliged to recognize that I have not indulged in mere vituperation, though more obviously sorely tempted.

Edit: the above was written while dr. bill was making his post of 20:33:51, and without having seen that post.
Posted By: of troy Re: keiva is liar - 06/29/02 12:37 AM
can't you just picture keiva, his lower lip trembling, his eyes, wide, wet, on the edge of tears, stuttering, "take it back.. make her take it back. she called me a name!"?

it so pathetic. go run home to your little she sheep, and say, "its not fair. they won't play with me."

shall we continue?

keiva is a liar
a prevaricator
a teller of tales
a twister of facts
a fibber
a falsifier

one of the less likeable fact about him.

Posted By: wwh Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:39 AM
Keiva: your resort to extortion to get something you could not get
without it, was totally, unredeemably contemptible.

Posted By: Keiva Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:43 AM
consuelo says: Funny, you didn't seem to complain when he assured us that ...

I am not concerned with dr. bill's assessement of the matter. I am concerned with the nastiness of of-troy's.

Which I notice that she does not retract.
Posted By: wwh Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:47 AM
Keiva: of troy will cease her Phiippic when you are gone. It couldn't happen to soon.

PS Don't take any comfort from fact Philip of Macedon outlasted Demosthenes.

Posted By: of troy Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:47 AM
keiva is self-loathing
self centered
self abusing
self important
self involved
self indulgent

Retract? why should i retact? i am just being helpful, for new comers, so they will know what they are dealing with

what are you doing do? sue me? for what? telling the truth? remember, it ain't slander if it is the truth!

or are you going to cry it's not fair?
oh dear, Keiva doesn't think i am fighting fair... too bad. tough luck. if you don't like it, just ignore it! that's the solution!

Posted By: wwh Re: "keiva is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:52 AM
Keiva's motto: I love me, I am the best, the merry hell with all the rest.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: "Wordwind is crazy" - 06/29/02 12:56 AM
Please excuse me, ladies and gentlemen of your favorite station, WI&A, but I would like to report that the person who was known as "Wordwind" in this institution has now officially gone crazy.

As she sat in front of her computer screen, knowing full well she should have been upstairs in bed nursing her poor bruised rib from a fall over a pillow last night (and, no, it was NOT of troy's pillow!), she came across this thread and began to read it.

At that point she was barely holding on to her last thread of sanity. Her aged father sat nodding peacefully in his chair across from her. Then she began to read this thread. Out from her lips burst one big laugh, followed by another and then another! Finally, she could not stop laughing. Her father, awake and alarmed by now from the laughter pouring out of his obviously deranged daughter, said, "What's the matter with you?" She blurted out, "Oh, this has become just too funny! These people on the word bbbbbbbboaaarrrrd!---hahahahahahahaha!" He said, "I'm going to bed." He shrugged his shoulders, and you could tell he felt he had lost his daughter forever.

Wordwind will be committed to a hospital in Richmond that specifically treats those who cannot stop laughing. If you care to send flowers, her favorite color is pink. Presently she has duct tape across her mouth, but her body is mightily shaking with the laughter the men in the white jackets are trying to suppress.

Bedlam regards,
WW's Nursie

Posted By: of troy Re: "Wordwind is crazy" - 06/29/02 01:03 AM
Glad to be of assistance ma'am!

i must tell you i took inspiration from dear Dr Bill.. his lovely list of words got me thinking... a dangerous thing...The english always made sure to keep the irish well supplied with drink, because they knew, sober, the irish would take over the world.. and i am stone cold sober.. and i intend to take over the world.

meanwhile, are you familiar with keiva (i hate to say a person who posts here, since don't think he is really part of the human race)
let me tell you about him.
he is
a demagogue
a fanatic
a rabble rouser
an aggittator
a disruptive element
an extremist

and i have only just begun to find the words for him!

Posted By: wwh Re: "Wordwind is crazy" - 06/29/02 01:06 AM
Dear of troy: How did you forget Narcissist?

Posted By: consuelo Re: "Wordwind is crazy" - 06/29/02 01:11 AM
Ya know, I have been trying to read through I & A for the last two hours. I came across a thread that Geoff started by the title "Conviviality" where he was celebrating a weekend on the board without strife and it was all about words and sharing. I had tears in my eyes, but I refused to spoil that thread by pointing out that those of us attending WaPaloo [from Wordapalosa, which is in turn from Lolapalosa, sorry Dr. Bill, no appaloosas] have mostly been gone from Thursday June 20th to let's just say Monday June 24, while Keiva was only away Saturday and Sunday, I believe. Imagine his consternation that the restaurant in Lansing had no tableside internet connection! Horrors! Anyway, my point is that Geoff underlined that those of us at WaPaloo were gone from the board but failed to indicate that Keiva might have been the more important absence, thus my tears.

Posted By: of troy Re: "Wordwind is crazy" - 06/29/02 01:12 AM
but i think of the flower, and they are so sweet.. i was think along other lines

Keiva is:

I mean this is a place for words, isn't it?

Posted By: wwh Re: "Wordwind is crazy" - 06/29/02 01:58 AM
Egotistical, monomniacal

Posted By: of troy Keiva is.... all this and less.. - 06/29/02 02:00 AM
not to mention
a Dullard
a Simpleton
an Ignoramus

Posted By: Wordwind Re: "Wordwind is crazy" - 06/29/02 02:03 AM
Dear Dr. Bill,

Wordwind, the lamb, is now in a deep, tranquillizer-induced sleep.

But before she drifted off, she mumbled, through her soft chortles, "Tell wwh that monomaniacal is misspelled in his post, and tell him I love him when he's being so chaaaaaattttty!"

And with a final guffaw, out she went like a light--I must say a very light--bulb.

Bedlam regards,
WW's Nursie

Posted By: wwh Re: Keiva is.... all this and less.. - 06/29/02 02:08 AM
Dear of troy: let us try to be accurate. Your first four terms really do not fit.
detestable, pestilential, cacoethetic, pusillanimous......

Dear WW: monomaniacal seems a permissible coinage.

Posted By: of troy Re: Keiva is.... all this and less.. - 06/29/02 02:20 PM
or maybe,
an aper
a copy-cat
an imitator
a mimic
a travesty
a mocker
and most certainly,
incapable of original thought.

Posted By: wwh Re: Keiva is.... all this and less.. - 06/29/02 02:35 PM
Dear of troy: Forgive me, but I think your latest inventory of Keiva's faults is quite
inaccurate, and not to the point. I could forgive him if he had merely those faults,
but not the much more serious fault of using extortion to gain his re-instatement.

Posted By: of troy Re: Keiva is.... all this and less.. - 06/29/02 02:38 PM
oh, didn't you realize, i was listing his good points.. i mean i don't want to be unfair and only mention his bad ones, but if you insist.. i'll work on it.

Posted By: wwh Re: Keiva is.... all this and less.. - 06/29/02 02:47 PM
Dear of troy: A complete inventory is nugatory. His use of extortion
to gain re-instatement is the only thing that matters. And it
suffices to make him totally unwelcome here.

Posted By: wow Re: Keiva is *no gentleman - 06/29/02 06:17 PM

I present this definition from The Oxford English Dictionary for your contemplation :
Gentleman : A man who demonstrates his gentle (or noble) birth by appropriate behaviour or moral qualities e.g. chivalrous conduct, consideration of others, sense of honour etc.; generally a man of whatever rank who displays such qualities.

Kieva: in my opinion you are no gentleman.

Posted By: Keiva Re: Lady - 06/29/02 06:29 PM
I present this definition from The American Heritage Dictionary for your contemplation:

Lady: 1. A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper behavior.

wow: in my opinion you are in most instances a lady.

Posted By: wwh Re: Lady - 06/29/02 06:36 PM
Keiva: I would have called you both friend and gentleman,
until you chose to use extortion to get something you
did not deserve.

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