Posted By: milum Wolves, Sheep, or Men? - 06/15/02 04:54 AM
$$$$$$$$$TEST POST EDIT ADDED BELOW$$$$$$$$$

This proposition was instigated by an interruption of a thread by the "equalizer". No one in his group of self-exiles has saw fit to respond so now I extend this invitation to anyone who has concern for the continuation of the awad forum as a modern day extension of the grecian inquiry into truth and the nature of words and the mind.

Here is my proposal;

An open one-on-one discussion about the awadtalk board, it's past, it's purpose, and it's future.

Under these ground rules;

(a) We exchange ten line paragraphs using the edit function of the topic thread to insure that inconsiderate posters can't interrupt our measured exchange with childish vile and low insults.
(b) The format can be a debate, a casual discussion, an interview, or a pre-agreed upon set of questions.
(c) The exchange will continue until the post edit function switches off or until we have said all we think needed to be said.
(d) No insults, personal or general will be made.

And if we can't agree on what constitutes an insult, this experiment is dead before it begins. But I still believe that words of temperament can purge this board of hate.


I'm for it, Milo, if you'll PM me and explain how to operate the edit function. I struggle to understand computers.

Milum: It's simple you pm your posts to me and I paste them to the continuing topic post. This, if it works, should sidestep a major flaw in the awadtalk set-up, that is, the disruption of a line of discussion by an inadvertent off-topic post by a newcomer or a deliberate flippant remark made by an oldcomer in order to re-enforce his status as high and handsome squating-rights owner.

Let's see if it works...(click...click)

Like clockwork. Now let's check out the limits of post changing...

Musick: What constitutes an insult will never be 'the same' for all people. Unfortunately, this has been the *whole issue all along.

Milum: I agree Musick, but insults are not whole problem and niceness can be controlled by the one punching the edit button. Everyone knows how to be nice; You just pretend you are talking to your banker just before you ask him for a loan.

Ok... now...who wants to have an open discussion about awad without rude interuption? Ewein? Anybody? Just send me a Private Message and we'll agree on format.

Just as I figgered the edit function can extend unto infinity.

Posted By: Geoff Re: Wolves, Sheep, or Men? - 06/15/02 06:04 AM
I'm for it, Milo, if you'll PM me and explain how to operate the edit function. I struggle to understand computers.



Posted By: musick Dogs, Cats, or Monkeys? - 06/15/02 01:22 PM
And if we can't agree on what constitutes an insult, this experiment is dead before it begins

What constitutes an insult will never be 'the same' for all people. Unfortunately, this has been the *whole issue all along.

Posted By: milum Re: Wolves, Sheep, or Men? - 06/16/02 06:21 AM
Geoff, it's OK, I know it's hard but it's fair.


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