Posted By: Keiva news analysis - 09/12/01 12:30 AM
TEd's post under "New York" prompts this thread. It is not at all word-related, but perhaps some will share my interest and, in the extraordinary circumstances, forgive the digression. Trying to understand what happened, and looking at the news reports as "evidence", has raised a number of questions to me.

For example: each tower collapsed - but each collapsed not at the initial impact, but only some time later. Was there a further cause; in particular, explosives set at of near the base? It would seem an obvious question, but I've heard no news reports on it, not even a report of, "BTW, there was no bomb."

Per the video, each tower seemed to collapse straight down (not tipping off to the side), as if every side of the tower had broken simultaneously near ground-level (that is, far below the height at which the airplanes impacted).

Anyone have thought on this, or other questions to probe?

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen - 09/12/01 01:01 AM
Posted By: Bobyoungbalt Twin Towers collapse - 09/12/01 01:10 AM
Keiva, I imagine you, and most others here, have seen on TV a controlled demolition, where a building is imploded by explosives to bring it down. Baltimore is the home of the oldest and most used company which does this work, and they do many locally. It's done by placing explosive charges (which need not be very large or powerful) at the main support piers of a building and then setting them off by radio signal. The building collapses in on itself, being deprived of its support. I have seen a number of such demolitions locally and what happed today was just like it. The structural engineers' explanations may be correct, but one certainly wonders.

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen - 09/12/01 02:20 AM
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