Posted By: BranShea Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/02/07 08:26 PM
Read this in the newspaper here.For the whole article one has to log in, but I'm not good at logging in. Maybe you're interested.
Geofysical newsletters

As it is from 15 september and your part of the world you may already have seen it. But anyway.
Posted By: themilum Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 12:26 AM
Yes BranShea, the deep pits recently found on Mars have excited the young
yo-yos of the National Speleological Society. On Earth lava caves of any great length are formed when the horizontally-flowing molton rock stops flowing and becomes a long horizontal air filled tube. Obviously on Mars conditions are different and there the vertical throats of long dead volcanos have resisted fill and erosion and so one day soon they be rigged and dropped by lucky cavers with balls and money.

That is, unless individualism is snuffed out by repressive nanny governments in the name of liberalism but in the reality of Big Brother.

But hey, that might take years; and this is now, so let's holler "on rope!" boys and let's go drop the caves of Mars.
Posted By: BranShea Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 09:36 AM
((- to prevent misspellings)
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 11:37 AM
> That is, unless individualism is snuffed out by repressive nanny governments in the name of liberalism but in the reality of Big Brother.

shut up, milo.

and where's Helen? why isn't she jumping all over milo for this crap like she does dale?
Posted By: themilum Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 06:19 PM
Originally Posted By: etaoin
"That is, unless individualism is snuffed out by repressive nanny governments in the name of liberalism but in the reality of Big Brother."

Shut up, milo.

And where's Helen? why isn't she jumping all over milo for this crap like she does dale?

Now etaoin, aren't you the rude one. My one sentence violation of the understood-by-most posters-but-not-yet-ensconced-rule-against-social-judgements was said in passing.
Your rudeness, however, wasn't.

Apologize and I'll forgive you.

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Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 06:20 PM
blah, blah.
Posted By: BranShea Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 06:41 PM
Etaoin, why don't you verbalize? At least you can do it without
misspellings. Mispellings? Missspellings?
Posted By: themilum Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 07:37 PM
Ah dear BranShea, Etaoin doesn't verbalize because he can't.

It is much like the occasions when we don't have a point to advance our own point of view we sometimes childishly point out the miss spellings of our adversary in order to compensate for our own ineptitude.

But sometimes we just say "blah blah".
Posted By: Aramis Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 07:59 PM
Besides, right is right. Big Oppressive Government (BOG) will try to control everything on Mars too when the time comes.
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 08:31 PM
Originally Posted By: Aramis
Besides, right is right. Big Oppressive Government (BOG) will try to control everything on Mars too when the time comes.

of that I have no argument. but those governments aren't liberal.

here milo, how's this for verbiage: close thine intolerant gob.

and my comment about Helen's hypocrisy still stands.
Posted By: tsuwm Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/04/07 09:52 PM
>and my comment about Helen's hypocrisy still stands.

that's not quite fair either — I don't think Helen has posted *at all* for at least a week.
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/05/07 03:14 AM
Originally Posted By: tsuwm
>and my comment about Helen's hypocrisy still stands.

that's not quite fair either � I don't think Helen has posted *at all* for at least a week.

fair enough.

or not.
Posted By: BranShea Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/05/07 04:07 PM
Eta, you have a wonderful voice, but you're a cheat.(OK , erroneous,erring,sorry) Of troy posted two hours later than tsuwm.
Furthermore, why should someone who's opinion on something you can't know, consider that what you think of as crap, is crap as well? (Oh gee, I cant get this sentence run.)'

Anyway, my mother always told me: "Beware of bards"
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/05/07 04:32 PM
Bran, I am tired of milo's politicizing every thread, and I'm tired of Helens' harping on dale.

that is all.

Of troy posted two hours later than tsuwm.

fair enough.

though she has of now, yet to reply to this thread.
Posted By: themilum Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/05/07 05:11 PM
Hey Vermont boy, have you ever considered that not Helen but only you find great offence at my saying that liberals cum socialists through government tightly control the lives of their subjects.

Gee...since when is reality political.
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/05/07 05:22 PM
yeah, the Patriot Act is real liberal...
Posted By: BranShea Re: Caves on Mars?Themilum? - 10/05/07 05:22 PM
My mother also said: "beware of bards, but listen to their song." I'm glad I did.Best remedy against all fatigues is music and a song. Always and ever.(maybe not harp music right now).
Is it politicizing or pollicitationazing?
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