Posted By: tsuwm that would have made such a good thread.. - 08/01/05 04:18 PM
drat! I've forgotten what I wanted to say!

the blame for this sort of memory loss can be placed on the failure to "shunt" thoughts from short-term to long-term memory. [after Oliver Sacks]

short-term memory is good for only three(3) minutes, or less.

Posted By: Jackie Re: that would have made such a good thread.. - 08/01/05 04:34 PM
Dag nab it, tsuwm--I've been meaning to thank you (as well as Father Steve) for making so many good word posts lately; and then you go and post this! [mock frown]

dat's ok, tsuwm...just one of those pre-senior moments.

If I had managed to remember to post all the cool stuff I've thought about whilst brushing my teeth and mowing the lawn, I'd be a carpel by now. part of the eeeevil consortium, cruel and despised

as long as you weren't mowing your teeth and brushing the lawn, you're still doing ok...

or is that browing your leeth and mushing the tawn?

Posted By: Jackie Re: that would have made such a good thread.. - 08/02/05 01:23 AM
eta! You made me laugh out loud! I can see--just--brushing the lawn, but mowing teeth? I don't think so!

Posted By: Sparteye HEY! - 08/02/05 01:51 PM
I turned into a Pooh-Bah!

Posted By: tsuwm Re: HEY! - 08/02/05 02:39 PM
>I turned into a Pooh-Bah!

remember when that was considered to be the ultimate in déclasséfication around here? ah, those were our days of wine and roses. now it's whines and carpals. <sigh>

oh, Sparteye? attagirl.

Posted By: Sparteye Re: HEY! - 08/02/05 02:43 PM
Thank you, tsuwm. *kiss*

Posted By: Jackie Re: HEY! - 08/02/05 03:33 PM
Dag nab it, Sparteye--I thought *I was the only one allowed to kiss him! Hmph! But, congratulations anyway!

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