Posted By: of troy non word related...duct/duck tape - 06/25/04 01:42 AM
here is an interesting site..

be sure to check out old clothes and 2004 entries..

it's the fashion find of the century..

Posted By: Faldage Re: word related...duct/duck tape - 06/25/04 09:50 AM
To bring it back to words, it was originally duck tape according to this site from Johnson & Johnson, the inventors of duck tape:


Posted By: tsuwm Re: word related...duct/duck tape - 06/25/04 03:00 PM
from the "you can get anything you want on the web (but not necessarily what you need)" dept.:

p.s. - they have a really nice disclaimer: Note: To be legally called “Duct Tape” the tape must meet or exceed certain heat requirements. Some Duck® brand Tapes do meet this classification and will tell you so on their label.
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