Posted By: tsuwm Emily Postnews - 08/28/03 08:09 PM
from the Better Late than Never Dept:

Posted By: musick Re: Emily Postnews - 08/28/03 09:26 PM

I think you figured out what "gleitzeit" is up to...

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Emily Postnews - 08/28/03 09:55 PM
makes it somewhat hard to post anything, now...

but I will anyway.

my favorite:

Q: Another poster can't spell worth a damn. What should I post?

A: Post a followup pointing out all the original author's spelling and grammar mistakes. You were almost certainly the only one to notice them, genius that you are, so not only will others be intrigued at your spelling flame, but they'll get to read such fine entertainments rather than any actual addressing of the facts or issues in the message.

Posted By: wwh Re: Emily Postnews - 08/28/03 11:15 PM
" Dear Verbose: Please try and make your signature as long as you can. It's much more important than your article, of course, so try and have more lines of signature than actual text.
Try and include a large graphic made of ASCII characters, plus lots of cute quotes and slogans. "

Dear Emily; May I suggest to avoid the use of "try and".
Please try to understand I only wish to be helpful.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: Emily Postnews - 08/29/03 03:02 AM
"try and" has been used in these august forums dozens of times, many of them since this:

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