Posted By: sjm Another reason to hate M$? - 11/15/02 08:05 AM
From an M$ press release:
We figure we spent about $100 million incrementally on that particular analysis of both the shipped versions and what we could do to remediate some of the things that we felt were still not good and then making new design choices for both the .NET Server product, which is finishing its development cycle now and is in test and then ultimately for things that could be fundamentally changed in a subsequent implementation of the product, which is now known as the Longhorn release that's several years hence.
So we know that in practice it's impossible for us to remediate the threats that we know exist in the world today in systems that were designed in 1991, '2 and '3 and deployed in '95 and which are actively still in use today.
both because it affects the design of the next version and it allows us to remediate some of these things even for the shipped version

What, pray tell, is wrong with remedy, or just plain "fix"?

Posted By: Faldage Re: Another reason to hate M$? - 11/15/02 11:13 AM
What, pray tell, is wrong with remedy, or just plain "fix"?

They're just *so last millennium.

Posted By: of troy Re: Another reason to hate M$? - 11/15/02 01:15 PM
Fix would imply something is broken, and if MS charge full price and sold me something it admitted was broken, i could demand my money back..

instead, they remediate issues...
classically, it comes down to how many MS software engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?

There is no need to change the lightbulb, darkness is a feature. how ever, if we decide to improve, modify or remediate the software, we might, in the future also offer light as well as darkness..

Posted By: Jackie Re: Another reason to hate M$? - 11/15/02 01:21 PM
They're just *so last millennium.
Remediate goes back further than that, though, acc'g. to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate--but note the function:Main Entry: re·me·di·ate
Pronunciation: ri-'mE-dE-&t
Function: adjective
Date: 1605
archaic : REMEDIAL

It's been in use as a verb for some time, here; I've heard it enough that it doesn't strike me immediately as "wrong" (as another certain so-called word that starts with o does).
I'm thinking I heard it most where I used to work, which would jibe with Atomica bringing it up in a legal dictionary. I may be wrong, but to me it carries the connotation of partial improvement, whereas remedy indicates a complete cure.

Posted By: wwh Re: Another reason to hate M$? - 11/15/02 02:02 PM
Maybe "to remediate" is to fix bugs that previous remedy failed to correct.

Posted By: sjm Re: Another reason to hate M$? - 11/15/02 06:24 PM
In reply to:

Re: Another reason to hate M$? new Reply to this post

Fix would imply something is broken, and if MS charge full price and sold me something it admitted was broken, i could demand my money back..

I thought similarly.

Posted By: Faldage Re: Another reason to hate M$? - 11/15/02 06:37 PM
To mediate is to act as a go-between, a facilitator. The re- is probably the intensifying prefix and not the repetive one. Thus, to remediate is to get in the way of, to act as a barrier to while appearing to act as a go-between. So, M$ is acting so as to prevent you from getting a solution for your problems in the guise of solving them.

Posted By: Bingley Re: Another reason to hate M$? - 11/18/02 03:20 AM
In reply to:

They're just *so last millennium.
Remediate goes back further than that, though, acc'g. to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate--but note the function:Main Entry: re·me·di·ate
Pronunciation: ri-'mE-dE-&t
Function: adjective
Date: 1605
archaic : REMEDIAL

1605 was part of the last millennium, was it not?


Posted By: sjm Re: Another reason to hate M$? - 11/18/02 03:23 AM
>1605 was part of the last millennium, was it not?

I could remediate that by choosing a different starting point for the millennium I currently find myself in, no?

Posted By: boronia who put the $ in M$? - 11/22/02 02:53 PM
This email is doing the rounds at work right now:

1. Bill Gates earns $250 every SECOND, that's about $20 million a DAY and $7.8 billion a YEAR!

2. If he drops a thousand dollars, he won't even bother to pick it up because in the 4 seconds it takes to pick it up, he would have already earned it back.

3. U.S's national debt is about $5.62 trillion. If Bill Gates wants to pay he debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years.

4. He can donate $15 to everyone on earth and still be left with $5 million for his pocket money.

5. Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in the U.S. If he doesn't drink and eat, and keep his annual income at $30 million, he'll have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates is today.

6. If Bill Gates were a country, he will be the 37th richest country on earth.

7. If you change all of Bill Gate's money to $1 bills, you can make a road from earth to moon 14 times back and forth. But you will have to work on that road non-stop for 1400 years, and use a total of 713 BOEING 747 planes to transport all the money.

8. Bill Gates will be 42 this year. If we assume that he still can live for another 35 years, he has to spend $6.78 million per day to finish his money before his death.

9. BUT!!! If we theMicrosoft Windows' users claim $1 for every time their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will go bankrupt in 3 years.

Posted By: modestgoddess Re: who put the $ in M$? - 11/23/02 03:18 AM
If he drops a thousand dollars, he won't even bother to pick it up...

Boy, I'd like to be around when that happens. Maybe I'll track down where Billy boy is and take to following him around, hoping for lost $1000s. Or at least approach him for my $15. Which might get me my 15 minutes' worth of fame at the same time...

Canadian woman demands $15 from Bill Gates, citing email posted on AWADtalk
"If you give me at least $450, I'll make sure boronia and the others get theirs too," woman was heard to yell as police marched her away to a waiting paddy wagon

Posted By: milum Re: who put the $ in M$? - 11/23/02 03:21 AM
U.S's national debt is about $5.62 trillion. If Bill Gates wants to pay he debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years.

Not if Billy uses math like that. With his income of only 7.8 billion a year in ten years poor Bill will have gained only 78 billion and be would be 5.5 trillion in arrears in paying off our national debt. Poor Bill.

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