Posted By: stales Widgets - 11/21/01 04:50 AM
No doubt you've all heard about the term widget - a generic term used in lieu of mentioning a specific article. In context, "If you are going to sell widgets, what's the first thing you should do?"

A few years ago "widget" was adopted by the Brits to refer to a real thing. Anybody want to have a guess? Without googling!!

Hint: The devotees of Bacchus may set a world record with their answers.


Posted By: doc_comfort Re: Widgets - 11/21/01 07:48 AM
A little pressurised gas cannister in a can of beer, especially exported English and Irish beers. Upon opening the can, the change in pressure causes the gas (usually CO2) to be released from the cannister hence making the beer bubbly, or carbonating it if you prefer. Solves the problem of the beer going flat when exported.

Or something like that. I don't know much about beer and I wouldn't want to spoil all your guessing fun.

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: Widgets - 11/21/01 12:48 PM
As a member of this Board who does have some experiential knowledge of the subject, may I say that, IMHO, widgets do make canned beer more palatable - but it still ain't as good as straight from a wooden barrel that has stood in a cool cellar for 36 hours!

Posted By: consuelo Re: Widgets - 11/22/01 08:12 PM
There is another item also known as a widget and has nothing to do with beer. It is a specific razorblade holder, made of yellow plastic, containing 5 single edge razors and having an opaque, colorless blade cover. I use this instrument in my job on a daily basis, and yet, they seem to have vanished from the face of the earth. If anyone knows where I may purchase another, I would love it if you would pm me.

Posted By: stales Re: Widgets - 11/22/01 11:27 PM
Give the doc a cigar!!

I've noticed that the widget's contents are variously described as nitrogen or CO2. I would've thought it was CO2......

My cryptic clue about "world records" in the previous post was a reference to Guinness - one of the first, if not the first, user of widgets.


Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: Widgets - 11/23/01 07:11 PM
Widgets are also a non-specific, insubstantial, undelineated product beloved of accounting teachers ...

Posted By: Sparteye Re: Widgets - 11/26/01 06:35 PM
Widgets are also a non-specific, insubstantial, undelineated product beloved of accounting teachers ...

...and economics professors...

Posted By: Jackie Re: Widgets - 11/26/01 11:24 PM
Widgets are also a non-specific, insubstantial, undelineated product beloved of accounting teachers ...

...and economics professors...

And alpha geeks...

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Widgets - 11/26/01 11:44 PM
At this point, as long as you can play it in Scrabble, long live widgets...

By the way, I found a Scrabble dictionary online, but you had to have a kind of computer system I don't to download it. Does anyone know of a Scrabble dictionary on the Web that is easily accessible?

Best regards,

Posted By: Jackie Re: Widgets - 11/27/01 03:16 AM
WW, here are a couple--don't know if they'll help.


Oh my gosh--I have to put this. Everybody jump on me if they want, but I'm putting it anyway--it looks too good not to. http://www.bryson.demon.co.uk/wordlist.html

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