Posted By: wofahulicodoc saul steinberg - 08/17/01 01:30 AM
Does anyone recall a book by Steinberg with a title something like "The House that Jack Built" ? Such as when it was published, or by whom, or anything at all? It was a story, in drawings, about a house that progressively got unbuilt...

Posted By: wwh Re: saul steinberg - 08/17/01 01:06 PM
The Internet has many items about Saul Steinberg, cartoonist often published in New Yorker, and about Saul Steinberg multimillionaire who went bankrupt. Nothing about book by either.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: saul steinberg - 08/20/01 12:33 PM
Try doing a "Saul Steinberg" author search on amazon.com or borders.com. If it's out of print, try thebookery.com or harvestbooks.com.

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