Snap to it woman, make those four extra posts to see what happens at 2000!

Posted By: tsuwm Re: Hurry Up, Jackie, I haven't got all day! - 05/26/01 03:49 AM
I'm posting like a Mad Thing, trying to catch up. can you give me some more gratuitous swill to respond to?

can you give me some more gratuitous swill to respond to?

Sorry, tsuwm, but it takes great effort for me to craft posts which rise to being good enough to merit being called gratuitous swill. If mindless drek will do, I should be able to oblige.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: Hurry Up, Jackie, I haven't got all day! - 05/26/01 04:24 AM
I think you just did. here's some more...

Don'cha just l-u-r-r-r-r-v-e these Pooh-Bah in-jokes, fellow plebs?

I've noticed that when Jackie's about to reach a new pinnacle, Max always starts a thread like this. And Jackie seens to respond the least. I think I've got a new scientific law, but i'll have to research some more.

Jimthedog, I volunteer to be part of the control group.

OK, the lab is at Control Headquarters.

Posted By: wow Re: Hurry Up, Jackie, I haven't got all day! - 05/26/01 05:41 PM
Max : Snap to it woman, make those four extra posts to see what happens at 2000!

tsuwm : I'm posting like a Mad Thing, trying to catch up. can you give me some more gratuitous swill to respond to?

Glad to oblige. Any of my posts will do but as they're scattered I will just ask : "How far to go have you got?"
Lashings with cutting remarks on construction of the question is acceptable for the nonce.

Let that be a lesson! I can swill the gratitude-ness with the best of 'em.

Posted By: nemo Re: Hurry Up, Jackie, I haven't got all day! - 05/26/01 08:47 PM
Hello again, everybody. It's been a while since I posted here, but I have been around, reading all the posts I can, and getting to know Max a lot better. He and I, it turns out, have a great deal in common. That might be why he sent me a private message asking me to pass it on to the board. He said that he wanted to explain his intent without increasing his own tally of posts. Here is his message:

Recently, I had an experience reminiscent of Saul on the road to Damascus. I heard a voice, and it was the voice of the supreme universal word master, say unto me: "Max, Max, why art thou posting so often?" The error of my ways was further exposed when I discovered that wow was under the impression that I was soliciting posts to which I could respond in order to artificially inflate my tally. As though by a blinding light, my iniquity had been laid bare. In contrition, I have vowed to work mightily to resist the posting urge. Being a weak soul, I cannot vouch aforetime for the success of my efforts, but rest assured, I shall try."

Nemo - it is so nice of you to serve as the medium. A rare service, and well done!

A rare service, and well done!

Indeed, woman, an' well thou knowest the ingredients with which you cook this wordy portion!

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