Posted By: BranShea ostensive - 02/06/09 08:37 AM

["This pink (shade) is more like this vermillion than it is like this black".
What were the definitions of "pink", "vermillion "and the rest?
They had none. The colors could be recognized only by looking,
so that their definitions were classified as ostensive, and from such nothing logically followed".]

(from: The First and the Last, Isaiah Berlin - chapter: verificationism)

Set against the definiton ( Bartleby) of PINK :
"Any of a group of colors reddish in hue, of medium to high lightness, and of low to moderate saturation."

For REDDISH they have:
"Mixed or tinged with red; somewhat red."

Then for RED:
1a. The hue of the long-wave end of the visible spectrum, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 630 to 750 nanometers; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation and whose hue resembles that of blood ; one of the additive or light primaries; one of the psychological primary hues.
b. A pigment or dye having a red hue. c. Something that has a red hue.

Many words but do they really tell anything useful about the color red?

I propose it here because the quoted part from the book made me suppose that there must be many defintions that on closer look could be classified as ostensive.( depending on the way you sense, see or hear it?)

Posted By: Faldage Re: ostensive - 02/06/09 11:54 AM
Red is the color that makes you more cautious.
Posted By: BranShea Re: ostensive - 02/06/09 12:47 PM
Interesting article, though the issue is not really a specific color.

"When you're filing your tax returns, you should actually have your computer screen set at red color," he says."

Our tax form envelopes are blue. To encourage creative bookkeeping? smile

"If the color red is involved, these women are perceived (cautioun!) to be more attractive,
more sexually desirable than in any control color condition," Maier says.
This suggests that red doesn't always trigger an avoidance response.

(In China red is the color of happiness; when we are happy we more easily find life attractive in general.)
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: autumn is everything that the world is - 02/06/09 06:16 PM
Could one define the word "red" by pointing to something that was not red? That would be as if one were to explain the word "modest" to someone whose English was weak, and one pointed to an arrogant man and said "That man is not modest". That it is ambiguous is no argument against such a method of definition. Any definition can be misunderstood.

But it might well be asked: are we still to call this "definition"?—For, of course, even if it has the same practical consequences, the same effect on the learner, it plays a different part in the calculus from what we ordinarily call "ostensive definition" of the word "red".


273. What am I to say about the word "red"?—that it means something 'confronting us all' and that everyone should have another word, besides this one, to mean his own sensation of red? Or is it like this: the word "red" means something known to everyone; and, in addition, for each person, it means something known only to him? (Or perhaps rather: it refers to something known only to him.)

Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosophical Investigations translated by GEM Anscombe, pp.14 and 95.

Waxing philosophical about color. Impressive. Like your
new avatar.

Hello there again

Just trying to do the color thing

It is very new to me: first time.
Posted By: BranShea Re: autumn is everything that the world is - 02/06/09 11:24 PM
Originally Posted By: zmjezhd
Could one define the word "red" by pointing to something that was not red? That would be as if one were to explain the word "modest" to someone whose English was weak, and one pointed to an arrogant man and said "That man is not modest". smile

273. What am I to say about the word "red"?—that it means something 'confronting us all' and that everyone should have another word, besides this one, to mean his own sensation of red? Or is it like this: the word "red" means something known to everyone; and, in addition, for each person, it means something known only to him? (Or perhaps rather: it refers to something known only to him.)

Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosophical Investigations translated by GEM Anscombe, pp.14 and 95.

Yes, the author is refering to Wittgenstein in his chapter and it is always amusing to think about the ambiguousness of definitions in general. I know all words, names and definitions are based on "agreement".

I've always liked thinking about these matters a lot and often played this game to observe things while thinking the name off (apart from the definition) and end up looking at the "whatever" as if I saw it for the first time. So that a simple teacup becomes an alien thing.
It makes one aware how comforting it is that we have language.I greatly liked that typical sentence: This pink (shade) is more like vermilion than is this black.

The special thing with colors is, that as far as I can think of, it is the only subject where I've noticed clear disagreements in perception between people. ( Mostly of course when colors are passing over from one to another, the "transition-zones".)

(In this whole subject btw the choice of the type of color is not important.)

Posted By: BranShea ostensive - 02/07/09 09:20 PM
Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8

Waxing philosophical about color.

Well, with all respect, King of the Flat River, compliments are fine thanks but which waxing are you talking about in this quoted phrase?

WAXING, ppr. Growing; increasing; becoming; smearing with wax.
WAXING, n. In chemistry, the preparation of any matter to render it fit for melting; also, the process of stopping out colors in calico-printing.

1 a: to treat or rub with wax usually for polishing, stiffening, or reducing friction b: to apply wax to (as legs) as a depilatory
2: to record on phonograph records3slang : to defeat decisively (as in an athletic contest)

1.to increase in extent, quantity, intensity, power, etc.: Discord waxed at an alarming rate.

2. (of the moon) to increase in the extent of its illuminated portion before the full moon. Compare wane (def. 43.to grow or become: He waxed angry at the insinuation.

Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: ostensive - 02/08/09 05:46 PM

Hi there !
Begging your pardon, mi'lady. This is a 'midwestern' term
for one, perhaps others know it too. But for sure it exists
in Flat River country. It is equivalent to when someone
notices you are in profound concentration. It is used instead
of something like "Where are you?" or "Earth to 'you" or
"a penny for your thoughts", or some such> to say you
are 'waxing philosophical' means that you are in the arms of
a muse somewhere, and are having deep and profound thoughts.
No harm intended, and nothing to do with the waxing definitions
you have above. Deep thoughts, mi'lady.

Hey I made Anu's AWAD again this week. He wrote me an email
asking info beforehand this time, however. I am honored.
Posted By: BranShea Re: ostensive - 02/08/09 09:41 PM
Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
"a penny for your thoughts."
Always knew that handwork pays better.
Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
Hey I made Anu's AWAD again this week. He wrote me an email asking info beforehand this time, however. I am honored.
Just read it. Nice.
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: ostensive - 02/09/09 06:15 PM
Have you ever done the exercise that covers one month in duration? Given a penny on day one, double it on day two, and
double it again on each successive day. How much on day 30?
Quite impressive for a penny for one's thoughts.
Posted By: BranShea Re: ostensive - 02/10/09 09:34 AM
This sounds disturbingly close to mathematics and not being good at it, please tell me the outcome. I will know how to spend it.
Posted By: Faldage Re: ostensive - 02/10/09 11:06 AM
Originally Posted By: BranShea
This sounds disturbingly close to mathematics and not being good at it, please tell me the outcome. I will know how to spend it.

Maybe if you were in the US government you could spend it. Normal folks like us would be kinda hard pressed to spend that kind of money.
Posted By: BranShea Re: ostensive - 02/10/09 06:23 PM
Right, I counted ten days and come up with 528. JvLuke , your point is proved.
Posted By: PastorVon Re: ostensive - 02/10/09 06:31 PM
Originally Posted By: Faldage
Originally Posted By: BranShea
This sounds disturbingly close to mathematics and not being good at it, please tell me the outcome. I will know how to spend it.

Maybe if you were in the US government you could spend it. Normal folks like us would be kinda hard pressed to spend that kind of money.

Oh, I think every one of us might be capable of *spending* it. On the other hand, it is likely that very few would be capable of accumulating it especially with today's interest rates.

As for the mathematics of the proposal: I have done them a couple of times in my younger years; but did not keep a record of the product so I cannot give a report on the total.

The problem does remind me of the performance of my duties while serving in the US Air Force. I was a nuclear measurements technician. Without going into the particulars -- because I have discovered that the mass of the work that the military organization of which I was member is still classified after nearly 50 years, we analyzed chemically and physically the debris from nuclear explosions. One of the gadgets we used was a counting device called an Autoscaler. Its main working part was a bank of eleven Eccles-Jordan Multivibrators. These were rather larger vacuum tubes -- yes, this was before transistors and micro-chips. They were flip-flop circuits that counted digitally. 2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512-1024-2048-&-4096.

If pennies, that is only US$40.96. But, that would take only 13 days. From there, the totals mount up rapidly. $81.92. 163.84. etc.
Posted By: olly Re: ostensive - 02/10/09 08:55 PM
In pennies it amounts to $5,368,701.92
I could think of many ways to spend that quite easily.
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: ostensive - 02/11/09 12:18 AM
Originally Posted By: olly
In pennies it amounts to $5,368,701.92
I could think of many ways to spend that quite easily.

As could I. I used to play with kids when teaching, and propose
the situation (Day one, then double, etc.) It used to take a
while for them to catch on, and then when they did the whole
class went wild. It's fun. Lots of money.
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: ostensive - 02/11/09 12:18 AM
Originally Posted By: BranShea
Right, I counted ten days and come up with 528. JvLuke , your point is proved.

So, Bran. A penny for your thoughts?
Posted By: BranShea Re: ostensive - 02/11/09 10:31 AM
OK. and I give it straight back for your kindly overlooking my
clear miscalculation: two times 128 is not 258.
Posted By: Faldage Re: ostensive - 02/11/09 11:42 AM
Originally Posted By: olly
In pennies it amounts to $5,368,701.92
I could think of many ways to spend that quite easily.

Yeah. I ran the numbers through the calculator and forgot that I was counting pennies, not dollars. Just call me Verizon Man.
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: ostensive - 02/15/09 02:51 AM
Originally Posted By: Faldage
Originally Posted By: olly
In pennies it amounts to $5,368,701.92
I could think of many ways to spend that quite easily.

Yeah. I ran the numbers through the calculator and forgot that I was counting pennies, not dollars. Just call me Verizon Man.

Just watched "verizon man" and my response is "duh", reminds me of some kids I've taught.
Thanks for sharing that, it was hilarious.
Posted By: Faldage Re: ostensive - 02/15/09 10:09 AM
You see that sort of thing so often in stores that someone on another board I frequent had fantasized paying a penny for an item marked .99¢ and saying, "Keep the change."
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: ostensive - 02/15/09 04:49 PM

Along the same line, I stood behind a man who ordered a
half dozen chicken wings. The kid at the counter, said: "Sorry,
sir, we only sell them in amounts of six and twelve."
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