Posted By: tsuwm opioid hits - 03/14/08 01:15 AM
or, the lasing of an infovore
[thanx to an old friend]

-joe (I don't know why this rang a bell) friday
Posted By: Jackie Re: opioid hits - 03/14/08 02:03 AM
Dang--I had to read all the way to the end!
Posted By: olly druggies dilemma - 03/14/08 02:14 AM

Red dot special at K-Mart

Infavore: Someone who devours information but doesn't know what to do with it? ...Theres that fandangled question mark again.
Posted By: Hydra Re: druggies dilemma - 03/14/08 06:50 AM
People presumably are smarter than cats, and as we become more familiar with the Web and its torrent of information, maybe we'll do a better job learning what is useful and what isn't.

An interesting article, but this last point is a bit moot. It's only valid if we are exposing ourselves to both useful and useless information in order to be able to sift the former out of the latter. This is unlikely, since most people don't really "surf" anymore (going from hotlink to hotlink just to see where it takes them). The modern webuser has a select set of pet interests and sites to which he keeps going back.
Posted By: BranShea Re: opioid hits - 03/14/08 06:59 AM
So those are the little bastards \:\( .
Fortunately in the last sentence there's a shimmer of hope.
How to become a moderate poster
Posted By: twosleepy Re: opioid hits - 03/15/08 03:04 AM
Interesting article, tsuwm. Thoughts flitting through:
1. He makes cats out to be fairly stoopid, yet then asserts they are capable of finding "a causal link between the pointer and the shimmering light", and of coming "to a wrong conclusion".
2. Hydra, although you are correct about people not surfing link to link much anymore, I find myself doing a lot of sifting! When I am looking for information, I have my "pet" sites to check, but if those prove unhelpful, I'm reduced to Googling and sifting.
3. Screw opioids; I'm sticking with chocolate....
Posted By: Faldage Re: opioid hits - 03/15/08 11:06 AM
One of our cats loves playing with the laser and the other flat ignores it. The one who loves it has made the connection between the pointer and the light. How the person Mr. Gomes has managed to determine how the cat has decided that the "the pointer is the container that holds the prey" I wouldn't know. Must be he's a cat psychic. Personally I think our one cat is willing to suspend disbelief and the other isn't.

In a related story, I can always tell the difference between useful* information and useless* information; if I remember it it's useless.

*Why do we retain the double letter in the suffix -less but not in the suffix ful(l)?
Posted By: tsuwm Re: opioid hits - 03/15/08 03:57 PM
*Why do we retain the double letter in the suffix -less but not in the suffix ful(l)?

a *great question. (i.e., one I've always meant to ask someone.)

-joe (tufthunter is just another word for toady) friday
Posted By: Jackie Re: opioid hits - 03/15/08 07:17 PM
*Why do we retain the double letter in the suffix -less but not in the suffix ful(l)? Maybe so we don't get confused on which word it is. So we can tell the difference between, say, pickles and pickless. (There have to be better examples out there, but I can't think of any now.) To avoid having to wonder if the speaker/writer has made up a word: "Feckles? What are feckles?"
Posted By: Faldage Re: opioid hits - 03/15/08 10:02 PM
I agree that certainly is a good reason for keeping the second S in -less, but why do we drop the second L in -ful?

The question is up there with why we need the two words, less and fewer for one end of the count/measure inequality but the one more works just fine for the other end?
Posted By: Jackie Re: opioid hits - 03/16/08 02:19 AM
zmjezhd? (Okay, I typed that without looking it up; guess I'll find out at some point whether I got it right.)
Posted By: tsuwm Re: opioid hits - 03/16/08 02:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Faldage

The question is up there with why we need the two words, less and fewer for one end of the count/measure inequality but the one more works just fine for the other end?

speaking of which, I just now read the following, "The Wild and Avalanche have 84 points, though the Wild technically are in the lead because they have played one fewer game than has Colorado."

is this hypercorrection? it just looks wrong to me.

-joe (woe is I) friday
Posted By: Faldage Re: opioid hits - 03/16/08 01:30 PM
It's correct if you choose to believe the "rule." Of course you could always recast with the uncontroversial more, as in "because the Avalanche has played one more game than has the Wild."

If you want to complain about something in the original you might pule and micturate about the missing each in "The Wild and Avalanche each have 84 points."
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: opioid hits - 03/16/08 07:29 PM
 Originally Posted By: Jackie
zmjezhd? (Okay, I typed that without looking it up; guess I'll find out at some point whether I got it right.)

You could always call him Nuncle.
Posted By: tsuwm Re: opioid hits - 03/16/08 11:03 PM
 Originally Posted By: AnnaStrophic
 Originally Posted By: Jackie
zmjezhd? (Okay, I typed that without looking it up; guess I'll find out at some point whether I got it right.)

You could always call him Nuncle.

or jim.
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: opioid hits - 03/16/08 11:34 PM
zmjezhd, Nuncle, or jim

Or fred.
Posted By: latishya Re: opioid hits - 03/17/08 12:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: zmjezhd

Or fred.

Isn't that the name found on almost every Danish tombstone?
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: typhoid hints - 03/17/08 01:15 AM
Isn't that the name found on almost every Danish tombstone?

Danish fred 'peace' (and free and friend), German Fride 'peace' (and Friedhof 'cemetery'), and the Fred in Frederic (literally 'peace-king') are all related to one another (link).
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: typhoid hints - 03/17/08 01:00 PM
And a sign found in Copenhagen elevators is I fart. Just thought y'all should know.
Posted By: Jackie Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 01:49 AM
You could always call him Nuncle. Ohh, I don't think I know him that well.

But actually, fred, I was inviting you to answer the question if you cared to. (About why we don't write wonderfull, etc.)

Edit--speaking of confusion (we were, weren't we?): I sure am glad I didn't try to answer tsuwm's question--I thought 'Wild and Avalanche' was the name of one team.
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 03:54 AM
(About why we don't write wonderfull, etc.)

An accident—no pun intended—of linguistic history. Probably no greater reason than that's where it stuck when the wheel stopped turning. (If it's any consolation, the distinction is there in Old English: wundorful vs full.)
Posted By: tsuwm Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 04:29 AM
>I thought 'Wild and Avalanche' was the name of one team.

yes indeed:

Switching to Sport, tonight at the Vomitorium, the Wild and Avalanche buried The Good and The Bad by the score of 11 to 1; it was Ugly. In other results, Rock, Paper, Scissors trimmed Beards and Philosophers by a whisker, 43 to 42; and Cloak and Dagger polished off Stones and Bones, 17-nil; forensics at 11.

-joe (sports Я us) friday
Posted By: The Pook Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 04:44 AM
say what?
Posted By: Faldage Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 10:52 AM
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 12:03 PM
lol wut.
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 01:52 PM
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 02:32 PM

Interestingly enough, a vomitorium (< vomitorius 'emetic' link) was not a place Romans went to purge after binging, but the entrances to the theaters or amphitheaters, which led to the places where the people sat, so-called because they appeared to disgorge people eager to watch the games. Not sure what they are called today, but they exist in large modern stadia.
Posted By: Jackie Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 03:23 PM
(sports Я us) Awwright, dag nab it, did you have to tell the whole world my one fault? ;\)
How the heck do I know what or even how team names are decided? 'Sides, I also thought there was a good possibility that it wasn't even a real team: just some example of grammar you wanted to use.

jill--not a sports fan--wednesday
Posted By: The Pook Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 10:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: Jackie
(sports Я us) Awwright, dag nab it, did you have to tell the whole world my one fault? ;\)
How the heck do I know what or even how team names are decided? 'Sides, I also thought there was a good possibility that it wasn't even a real team: just some example of grammar you wanted to use.

jill--not a sports fan--wednesday

That's nothing - I have no idea even what sport they are ranting about!
Posted By: tsuwm Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 10:34 PM
stifle, Pook. it's all just a joke -- no actual Sporting Events were involved. except for the aforementioned Wild and Avalanche, which are U.S. ice-hockey teams. the Colorado Avalanche and the Minnesota Wild. link

-ron o.
Posted By: The Pook Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 11:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: tsuwm
stifle, Pook.

Quick definitions (stifle)

# noun: joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped; corresponds to the human knee
# verb: smother or suppress (Example: "Stifle your curiosity")
# verb: be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen
# verb: impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of
# verb: conceal or hide

The Pook holds his hand over his face and passes out...
Posted By: tsuwm Re: opioid hits - 03/19/08 11:12 PM
Stifle yourself!

-Archie Bunker
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