Posted By: dalehileman speed reading revisited - 05/31/07 06:51 PM
Edited to note that at length, after finally learning to use the WS Search algorithm,I found the previous discussion, alluded to below


I am still interested in learning of successful techniques, eg,
rules of thumb that practitioners have found successful. For example, an expert states that he reads in descending counterclockwise circles. Another says he pays special attention to numbers. One asserts that you shouldn't mentally pronounce the individual words--though I don't see how it's possible not to. A beginner states that she spots nouns--forgive the alliteration.

Another beginner--me--attempts to zero in on keywords. It's also helpful in focusing attention--though often difficult--to spot subject and predicate of each sentence, each as a unit.

In one course on the subject the beginner is advised to start by running his finger across each line, an approach I would consider most childlike
Posted By: of troy Re: speed reading - 05/31/07 06:56 PM
well persue it over at word wizzard...
if anyone here want's to join conversation there (or at other word related sites, they can..

haven't we had several discussion about this (you posting a discussion on an other site, then posting here, refering to another site?)
Oops i forgot, you're forgetful.

(for that matter, we've had several discussions on speed reading, (i remember because i commented in one, since i took a speed reading course in elementary school. (Controlled Reading, you can google it, the company still exist..))
have you bothered to search the archives here, and see what's been said before?
Posted By: of troy Re: speed reading - 06/01/07 12:30 PM
it is considered exceptionally rude to delete or edit a post after it has been commented on. especially if doing so makes the subsequent comment look meaningless.

this is not the first time you've done it.

with every post (and deletion) you make, your intent and character become more clear.
Posted By: dalehileman Re: speed reading - 06/01/07 02:32 PM
I must be really a terrible person, just can't do anything right
Posted By: of troy Re: speed reading - 06/01/07 04:33 PM
your edited and reposted opening post bears no resemblance to the original --and makes my comment look as if i hadn't read your opening post..

(as in deed i hadn't!--since the original has been delete, and replaced with something entirely different!)

and your newest post.. OH, my, poor me..give it a break. you are looking to start an arguement.
if i disagree, (agruement) if i agree, a different arguement.

oh yes, it all just teasing or persiflage.

why don't you go to a board that specializes in teasing, since you seem more interested in that than words?

you claim to be interested in neologism, but when question have come up about them.. (poste by others) you are silent.

you claim to be teasing but you are, in reality, hurtful

you claim to be a lot things.

What you are is distruptive and dishonest. your deleted and recreated post are evidence of that.

i haven't delete a post in going on 5 years--and in total i don't think i have deleted more than 2 post ever. (and i am not exceptional, but rather the norm, hereabouts)

you've deleted more of your post in 1 year than most here have deleted in 5 years. (go look at a history of Dale's post, see for yourself how many he has deleted!)

are you a terrible person, as you claim to be? you know yourself best, but you are clearly a person who ferments disagreement, and who is unpleasant to be around.
--and anyone who frequents wordwizards or other word related BB's knows that is true, not just on this BB, but on several other BB's.
Just how many have you been banned from, for you nasty little habits of being rude, arguementative and hurtful?

Ok, folks, now watch as dale post his address, and says, Hey everybody, email me, and we can gossip about of troy in private, and all reach a secret agreement that she is the problem.
come all, rally round poor picked on me.

as others who have behaved the same way have been told, fine!
you don't like it here? don't like our standards of behavior? go off and start your own BB. make up your own rules. be a big fish in your own little pond. but don't piss our punchbowl and say it's sweet.
Posted By: dalehileman Re: speed reading - 06/01/07 04:55 PM
Wow! Ok, but how about speed reading
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