Posted By: tsuwm feghoot - 12/16/04 03:47 AM
the definition of feghoot is pretty much as given for powfag, as suggested in that thread.

hesitantly (with TEd in the neighborhood), I present a feghoot which is attributed to Isaac Asimov:

Monty Stein, in the year 3047, committed a heist and made off with quite a tidy sum. He was eventually caught, and the judge sentenced him to seven years imprisonment. However, the night before his impending incarceration, he calmly set his time machine for seven years and one day, and stepped through.

When he emerged in 3054, there was quite an uproar. Prosecution maintained that Stein never actually served the sentence, since effectively no time passed for him. Defense stated that the effect was basically the same, since he lost seven years of living in society, or something to that effect. Both sides called each other names (as lawyers are wont to do).

Eventually, Stein was set free. Some say that the judge succumbed to peer pressure; others said that he simply couldn't resist the temptation. For his decision, in full, was:

"A niche in time saves Stein."

Posted By: Faldage Re: feghoot - 12/16/04 03:58 AM
It should be noted that, in the day, I was a big fan of Ferdinand Feghoot. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Posted By: musick Re: feghoot - 12/16/04 04:33 PM
...When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

These have been set to music somewhere... I just can't seem to spit it off the tip of my... ear...

but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

It does sound as though it should come from The Fantasticks, doesn't it. Or maybe September Song.

Posted By: Dgeigh Re: I Cor. allusion - 12/16/04 04:43 PM
For now we see through dark sunglasses; vis-à-vis ...

(Sorry. I was bored.)

Ah, Ha!!! It just came to me...

Joni Mitchell - Wild Things Run Fast

Here's a quote from a web article...

One of the album's most positive songs, "Love" was penned largely by St. Paul about 2000 years ago, when he wrote, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things... And now abideth Faith, Hope Love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love..."

Dgeigh, is this your first time for wearing the Mantle of Invisibility here? (re. I Cor. allusion)

That's what Dgeigh *gets for posting while I'm reading the whole article...

Posted By: tsuwm lost in a good read - 12/16/04 08:41 PM
>while reading the whole article

Dgeigh: 11:43:46
musick: 15:05:06

I'm glad I can be of *service, tsuwm.

Dgeigh, is this your first time for wearing the Mantle of Invisibility here?

Dgeigh who?

That's what Dgeigh *gets for posting while I'm reading the whole article...

Sorry, musick, I was cleaning it and it just went off.

Posted By: musick I'm eighteen with a bullet. - 12/17/04 04:33 PM
...I was cleaning it and it just went off.

Aw, shucks! I thought that whisp was someone whispering sweet somethings past my ear...

Posted By: plutarch Re: feghoot - 12/18/04 04:52 PM
I thought it would be a hoot to make a rhyme out of feghoot

A feghoot is a whistle that never gives a hoot
You can blow and blow and blow and blow
and it only gives a toot.

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