Posted By: tsuwm buxiferous defined - 03/05/04 02:39 PM
I’m sitting here, looking out my window at 6” of new, very wet snow. So instead of tackling the AM commute (city bus drivers went on strike yesterday), I’m putting together the hogwash® entries for buxiferous…

choose one:

a) Exhibiting great age or maturity; said of old trees or timber showing an exceptionally high number of growth rings.

b) Of minerals, etc. bearing buxite. A type of ore in which the iron content is more that 50% oxidised. It is of little value due to the difficulty of extracting useable metal.

c) Bearing a fruit with an edible pit and inedible flesh, such as the almond.

d) Pocked and furrowed with air canals from quick cooling; esp. certain lava-formed rocks.

e) Having a fine bosom; Dolly Partonesque. "Go gently, mistress! Th'art buxiferous and, once gonfled, his passions rest not 'til his course run out." ~ Shakespeare: Merry Wives of Windsor

f) A permanently bloated state (i.e., "beer gut").

g) Bearing or producing box-trees. "Get ye all three into the box tree." ~ Shakespeare: Twelfth Night

h) Pertaining to any mineral with a cubic crystalline structure, eg NaCL (common salt)

i) A description for someone who is gnashing their teeth, usually during sleep.

j) Bearing indihiscent fruits with fleshy mesocarps and bony endocarps.

k) Having breast-shaped florets, i.e. hemispherical, with a small protuberance at the end.

l) Mythical species of tree; "Money doen't grow on trees, ya know".

m) Bearing boxes, gifts.

n) The state of being good at the art of unraveling the frayed, tangled ends on woven goods, such as towels, napkins, and rugs.

o) Performing a ritual mating display, showy.

p) Pertaining to clothing (usually) that is reminiscent of the armour worn by the female warriors in the Ring cycle.

q) Arising from the dark arts, derived from bexom, bezom plus -ferous, literally broom-riding.

1) many irregularities, many armilaries; more on this later
2) many entries, some rookies (see 1)
3) entries from [drawing big breath] etaoin, consuelo, RC, Ted, jheem, vanguard, Faldage, wofa, Wordwind, Jackie, Spareye, shanks, music, Zed, dxb, WO’N, Bingley, Asp, and the usual gang of idiots
4) no additional entry from the moderator; I’ve done quite enough..
5) the discerning will note that the list of entries numbers 19 and there are but 17 def’ns. (see 1)
6) three(3) original entries were rejected and resubmissions were solicited (see 1 and 2)
7) capitalization, punctuation (forgive me; it was the easier route this time) [I hope I removed all of the tags, having nearly left musick's..]

Posted By: belMarduk Re: buxiferous defined - 03/05/04 02:45 PM
I say D, no A, no D, definitely D, unless...

No I'm sticking with D

Arghhh, it's hard this time. Even though I usually get them wrong, I'll usually pick by going "ya, that's it" and no worries (which shows a whole helluva lot about my luck with games of chance).

Posted By: jheem Re: buxiferous defined - 03/05/04 02:58 PM
Gee whiz, I'm gonna go with 'G'.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: buxiferous defined - 03/05/04 04:12 PM
30 lashes to E and K! But *somebody had to say it!

Will muse the pickin's for awhile...

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Armil, schmarmil - 03/05/04 05:02 PM

Posted By: tsuwm Re: - 03/05/04 05:32 PM
double delete

Posted By: shanks Ahh heck... - 03/05/04 07:37 PM
As one of the tyros/virgins who submitted a definition, I think I should get a free pass on this one...

I'm going for D

Posted By: sjmaxq Re: Ahh heck... - 03/05/04 07:41 PM
Well, I'm not going to lose this time, because I'm not voting, in protest at my having forgotten to get my definition in on time.

Posted By: musick Explant - 03/05/04 07:53 PM
"...having nearly left musick's..]

...yet, *whimsically eliminating one of my special "k"'s. Not that I'd intend to make things difficult, but.

Of course this means I'll vote for O.

Posted By: Faldage Re: buxiferous defined - 03/05/04 07:59 PM
Seems like it oughta be bearing something. Buxite sounds too much like bauxite and any of the buxom ones sound too armillary. The boxes and box trees suffer from the same problem. C and J look like they contradict each other, so one of them must be right.

Flip a coin.


Posted By: belMarduk Re: Ahh heck... - 03/05/04 08:52 PM
Now Max, don't be a baby-la-la. Take off your knickers, block your nose and jump right in.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic (without comment) - 03/05/04 08:59 PM
I'd like one from column A

Posted By: TEd Remington Re: buxiferous defined - 03/05/04 09:15 PM
Take a cue from me!

Posted By: Fiberbabe Re: buxiferous defined - 03/05/04 09:20 PM
I may regret this, but I'll vote with Musick... O.

And as for the next round of Hogwash, may I suggest "baby-la-la"?

Posted By: sjmaxq Re: Ahh heck... - 03/05/04 09:57 PM
In reply to:

Now Max, don't be a baby-la-la.

You know the saying " gotta be in to win"? Well, my slogan is, "I can't lose if I don't choose."

Posted By: tsuwm Re: Ahh heck... - 03/05/04 10:08 PM
otoh, the huddled mass is waiting for you to provide guidance (or at least elimination of one option).

Posted By: musick RUSHing to free Willy - 03/05/04 10:10 PM
"I can't lose if I don't choose."

It's loike aksin "why do these two *seem to rhyme?" in a non-sequitor kinda way.

Posted By: sjmaxq Re: Give someone else your huddled masses - 03/05/04 10:24 PM
This is, of course, an even more splendidly pointless exercise than normal. If the laws of the natural universe are followed and I get it wrong, then all I have done fortified my reputation as the Charlie Brown of Hogwash. If, otoh, I get it right, I get nothing out of it, having missed the deadline for submissions. Positively Marvinesque.

So, my dear ASp, please remember to vent at the wordmeister when you lose, since it is at his insistence that I am hexing you by choosing A

Posted By: Jackie Re: buxiferous defined - 03/05/04 11:07 PM
Is it just me, or is this bunch of def.'s on the whole weirder/stupider than previous crops? I'll go with nice, normal-sounding h.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Don't worry - 03/05/04 11:24 PM
It's just you.

Posted By: grapho Re: RUSHing to free Willy - 03/06/04 12:50 AM
Re "lose" and "choose": "why do these two *seem to rhyme?"

Because appearances can be deceiving.

Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 12:50 AM
Lessee, now.

Strike out anything relating to buxom or bosom. That gets rid of e, k, o, p, q.

Eliminate anything related to boxes or bauxite. 'Tain't B, G, H, M.

Strike out grinding of teeth; that's bRuxism. Not I.

Take out the silly ones. Not Christmas. Oops, sorry, "no L."

Leap of faith: analogy to "cruciferous," like cabbages and broccoli. The "-fer-" refers some kind of leaf characteristic. Get rid of non-vegetable F and N.

...that leaves A, C, and J.
Now if only I knew what BUXI- meant...

J,,C,,J,,C,,give me your answer, do.

I'll take J, the indecent fruit with the fleshy mess and the bony end...

(k) Having breast-shaped florets, i.e. hemispherical, with a small protuberance at the end.
Do you suppose they grow best on the Grand Tetons?)

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 02:06 AM
I'm with Bel and the long-legged one:

Posted By: Sparteye Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 02:57 AM

Posted By: Bingley Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 07:52 AM

Posted By: consuelo Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 10:41 AM
I vote now, C

Posted By: tsuwm Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 05:00 PM
assuming that was a vote for "cue" from TEd (and why wouldn't one), we've already garnered votes from 12 of the entrants, plus others; this round could be over in record time, as well as having record numbers.

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 05:41 PM
Faldage is,. of course, right - except that he's wrong.
The answer is not J, but C

Posted By: Wordwind Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 05:58 PM
The answer most decidedly is not C, and, in fact, the answer most decidedly is not 16, even 17, of the others. In fact, I have serious doubts about the word's existence at all.

However, I like the little play on words with, what the L, L.

Posted By: grapho Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 06:50 PM
I have serious doubts about the word's existence at all.

Wordwind wins the prize.

The tip-off is the clue in "b".

"Buxite" is actually "bauxite", and "ferous" is actually "ferrous", which would make the compound "bauxiferrous", not "buxiferous".

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: buxiferous defined - 03/06/04 07:36 PM
A...because it's the first one.

And because Max voted for it.

Posted By: dxb Re: buxiferous defined - 03/08/04 08:50 AM
"Lie thou there; [Throws down a letter] for here comes the trout
that must be caught with tickling." ~ Shakespeare: Twelfth Night.

I'll throw down a G.

Posted By: grapho baited & hooked - 03/08/04 12:22 PM
I'll throw down a G

You can fish with the finest bait
But you can't catch a fish where they ain't.

Wordwind already won the trophy, dxb.

It's time to cut bait and weigh anchor. The only fish you'll find in these waters are ....... .

I'll let you troll for that one.

If you feel like you've been baited and hooked, at least you'll know better next time. Once baited, twice shy.

Posted By: sjmaxq Re: buxiferous - Hu 1? - 03/10/04 10:53 PM

Posted By: tsuwm Re: buxiferous - Hu 1? - 03/11/04 03:13 AM
I think we have no vote from Zed?

Posted By: Bingley Re: buxiferous - Hu 1? - 03/11/04 04:43 AM
Perhaps because the possible answers only got as far as q, so z is feeling left out?

Posted By: dxb Re: buxiferous - Hu 1? - 03/11/04 01:49 PM
Probably asleep. Zzzzz.

Posted By: Zed Re: buxiferous - Hu 1? - 03/11/04 04:45 PM
Sorry, I was home sick and my only computer is at work.
I'll put in A vote now.

Posted By: vanguard Re: buxiferous - Hu 1? - 03/12/04 04:39 PM
Sorry, I'm late too - been sick and at home with no computer, and when I was at work, really busy.

I'll pick "C".

Sorry if my entry was the cause of any irregularities; as a tyro I tried hard to get it right, but? Just wanted to join in the fun, instead of just lurking as usual.

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