Posted By: AnnaStrophic TSUWM - 12/11/02 12:53 PM
May we have another Hogwash for Christmas/Solstice cheer?

Posted By: Wordwind Re: TSUWM - 12/11/02 02:29 PM
Hey, tsuwm! Open your eyes! We're sittin' around wanting to lie to each other with made-up definitions, and we need you to organize us, keep us from runnin' hog-wild, and provide us with a rare winter word. Remember! We're a bunch of smarty-butts, we like lyin' to each other, and we already know a lot of winter words and phrases, such as " 'Penguins are prolate spheroids,' according to Dr. Bill."

If you don't hurry up and give us a boreal, wintry Hogwash entry, milum might step in, take over, and things would never, ever be the same here in the pen. Besides, they don't know squat about winter in Alabammy.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: TSUWM - 12/11/02 07:06 PM
well sure, I could throw out 'xystus', or even 'squaw winter', but just knowing they were related to winter would seem to narrow the scope overly. so let me ruminate and come up with something totally unrelated to anything that's ever been discussed here... (but I better hurry before ol' bill uses it below the fold)

Posted By: Faldage Re: TSUWM - 12/11/02 07:13 PM
before ol' bill uses it below the fold

He's only up to the Cs. Pick something starting with M or later.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Good luck! - 12/11/02 08:15 PM
something totally unrelated to anything that's ever been discussed here

I just *know you'll rise to the occasion, tsuwm.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: TSUWM - 12/12/02 12:29 AM
Besides, they don't know squat about winter in Alabammy.

That's why folks in the Gulf States call all y'all Virginians Yankees! ('ceptin for Robert E. Lee, of course)

Posted By: Wordwind Re: TSUWMLEE - 12/12/02 01:13 AM
In reply to:

('ceptin for Robert E. Lee, of course)

Well, if'n you got Lee, you got it all!

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: GEN. TSUWM E. LEE - 12/12/02 03:47 AM
GEN. TSUWM E. LEE...now there's a picture! Riding statuesquely upon his stately steed, HOGWASHER, no doubt!

Posted By: Jackie Re: Good luck! - 12/17/02 01:57 AM
I just *know you'll rise to the occasion, tsuwm.
Gettin' a little personal there, aint'cha, kid? Just what did you-all DO up there in that museum of odd medical inventions?

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