Posted By: GallantTed Circus animils - 07/18/02 11:57 PM
Howye fokes

It's been so long, I've no idea what ta say. Me inspiration and me wordyness seems ta have left me. "Circus Animils Disertion" as me pal WB from the Yates family once said.

Anyways, I liked them haiku yokes a while back and I was thinken I could have a go at one of them fer starters. I taught of a grate one last night - but alas I ferget it now. Poor Ted.

Sure this will do while I'm waiten fer it ta return:

I had a haiku in me
head last night. But now
It's gone, gone, gone. Gone.

Be seein ya


Posted By: Rubrick Re: Circus animils - 07/19/02 07:47 AM
How'ye Ted!

Welcome back!!!!!!! It's great to see old faces on the board again.

Haiku's? Yeah, we haven't done them in quite a while. I love your one above. Do ye mind if I send it off to a Japanese writer friend of mine?



Posted By: TEd Remington Re: Circus animils - 07/19/02 03:39 PM
is this another damned online haiku test???

I guess stanford bin et it again.

Posted By: GallantTed Re: Circus animils - 07/19/02 05:25 PM
Howye Rubrick and TEd

How is things with ye? I'll tell ya, it's just like getten back up on a bike. It's just a pity that I couldn't cycle in the furst place.

Anyways, ya can show me pome ta ya yer pal - just make sure that GallantTed gets all the credit! I'm right honoured ta be asked, I'll tell ya.

I'm off now ta russle up a few more.

Be seein ya


Posted By: hev Re: Circus animils - 07/23/02 01:46 AM
Hey GTed,

Great seein' ya again!

it's just like getten back up on a bike

Yep - just ask the Fish, he got back on his a while ago, and it's been great having him back too!

GallantTed came back
to A-WAD where he belongs.
Things are in their place!

Hang around some more GTed!


Posted By: GallantTed Re: Circus animils - 07/23/02 02:08 AM
Howya Hev

How is things with ya? It's not that I actually left or nothin - it's just that me Muse desserrted me and I lost me wordy powers fer a while.

Anyways, grate ta hear from ya. Are ya goen ta write one of them haiku yokes? I'm still worken on me next masterpiece.

Be seein ya


Posted By: hev Re: Circus animils - 07/23/02 02:17 AM
I lost me wordy powers fer a while.

Glad to see they're back in full force then.

Are ya goen ta write one of them haiku yokes?

Sheesh, GTed, what's a girl to do? I already spent an immense amount of energy writing the last one... you want more?

GallantTed can read
a post with haiku in it
but misses the point.

Posted By: GallantTed Re: Circus animils - 07/23/02 02:31 AM
Howya hev

I'm sorry fer me
heedlessness. I'm as thick as
two short planks these days.


Posted By: Rubrick Re: Circus animils - 07/23/02 07:07 AM
Ted, you crack me up!

Me friend loved your first haiku, btw.

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: Circus animils - 07/23/02 11:10 AM
Welcome, GallantTed,
Back to the fold: just try not
To trip over the staples.

(It's no good! No mat
Ter what I do, I can't get
These damn poems to rhyme!)


Do you say "Haiku"
As an elevated line
Or "Hello, my Dove?"

Posted By: Jackie Re: Circus animals - 07/23/02 11:33 AM
My Dearest Rhubarb,
Invariably I say
"Hello, Dove"; dew you?

Posted By: GallantTed Re: Circus animals - 07/23/02 09:26 PM
Howye folkes

There was a revolt
in the barn; the silage lost.
It was a hay coup.


I know, I know, don't tell me - there's no "f" in phoneticks.

Be seein ya