Posted By: Flatlander HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/19/01 11:54 AM
Thanks to all who submitted definitions, and special mention to rodward for the funniest proposal (he has a better bluff in the list, so I'll post his funnier one here):

Prounounced variously as zedoutch or zeeoutch, this is the sound made by a person naming the last letter as zed or zee in the company of those who think differently.

Here are the definitions. Choose wisely.

A. A 19th century farm tool used to plant corn or other seeds at even intervals.

B. A small bag attached behind the pommel of saddles (South American).

C. To slob out in a comfy chair, to slouch or lounge.

D. To reprimand in a foreign tongue; scolding that is not understood by the reciever.

E. An interjection expressive of pain, frustration, or indignation. Also used in speech therapy and for actors speech drills to emphasize the interaction between the tongue and the four frontal, lower teeth.

F. A word for an action performed in comic books.

G. The Dutch system of controlled flooding of over-farmed land in order to re-fertilise it with river silt.

H. A traditional Serbian bread, similar to a pretzel, made with unbleached wheat flour and amaranth.

I. A dark, coarsely cut pipe tobacco made in the Netherlands.

J. To stew, fish such as flounders, eels, etc., with just enough liquid to cover them.

K. A worthless person, a nobody, a zero.

L. The Yiddish word for the remains of the wineglass that the groom crushes at a Jewish wedding.

After today, I probably won't be in the office until next Monday, so you have until then to consider your vote -- say 8:00 am Eastern Time. Good Luck!

Posted By: Fiberbabe Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/19/01 02:25 PM
I like G.

Posted By: belMarduk Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/19/01 08:53 PM
I like I ... A dark, coarsely cut pipe tobacco made in the Netherlands

It sounds like something someone would be smoking while going on a drunk with the guys. Or two burly old guys having finished plowing the fields, sitting down to play chess on the porch and filling their pipes to share a friendly smoke.

Also, it looks like it would sound like a word spoken by someone in Holland (Ow, how convoluted is that last sentence! Is it understandable?)

Posted By: consuelo Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/20/01 12:07 AM
Call me crazy, but E. keeps yanking on my pantleg.

Posted By: wordcrazy Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/20/01 02:07 AM
I am voting for H only because I think know the author and I like her very much.

Posted By: Bobyoungbalt Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/20/01 03:13 AM
I'll go with belM and vote for I. I heard a couple of Dutch ladies conversing once and it sounded like pigs grunting and "zoutch" reminds me of it.

Posted By: Bingley Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/20/01 07:04 AM

Posted By: tsuwm Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/20/01 12:51 PM
I have no clue on this one -- I'm going to tactically follow Bingley. : )

Posted By: Rapunzel Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/22/01 07:20 PM

Posted By: xara Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/22/01 11:07 PM
I pick the one that i think's the real definition?

(and i picked it before i saw that it seems to be the leader, for what that's worth...)

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/22/01 11:52 PM

Posted By: belMarduk Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/23/01 03:21 AM
What happens now? I have never played Hogwash in my life so I'm not quite sure how it goes.

I got the part of everybody inventing a definition but is zoutch a real word?

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/24/01 01:21 AM
K talk about jumpin' on the bandwagon . . .

Posted By: rodward Re: HogWash -- ZOUTCH -- Vote Here - 09/24/01 09:27 AM
Great word - absolutely no idea. There are some I don't think are as likely, but that leaves a big range. In an attempt to spread the points (but which has the ungentlemanly side effect of spoiling Flatlander's chances of scoring if the real definition hasn't already gone) I am going for one of those not yet voted for. A, D or J. Throw the die (actually a colleague who chose 3) = J

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen - 09/24/01 09:35 AM
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