Posted By: Jackie Answers to Spelling Bee Quiz - 06/05/10 12:52 AM
1. Find the correct spelling of the word that means lukewarm or indifferent in religion or politics

B. The correct answer is Laodicean, the winning word from 2009.

2. Find the correct spelling of the word that means of or pertaining to emeralds; having the color of emeralds

D. The correct answer is smaragdine, the winning word from 1961.

3. Find the correct spelling of the word that means a move or step or maneuver in political or diplomatic affairs

A. The correct answer is demarche, the winning word from 2000.

4. Find the correct spelling of the word that means indifferent, nonchalant, caring little

D. The correct answer is pococurante, the winning word from 2003.

5. Find the correct spelling of the word that means
native to the place where found; indigenous

A.) The correct answer is autochthonous, the winning word from 2004.

6. Find the correct spelling of the word that means prevision: seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing

B. The correct answer is prospicience, the winning word from 2002.

7. Find the correct spelling of the word that means strict attention to minute details

D. The correct answer is meticulosity, the winning word from 1950.

8. Find the correct spelling of the word that means pathologically excessive talking

D. The correct answer is logorrhea, the winning word from 1999.

9. Find the correct spelling of the word that means
not covered in scales, or of scale like objects, a smooth skin

A. The correct answer is esquamulose, the winning word from 1962.

10. Find the correct spelling of the word that means
an ache localized in or around a tooth

B. The correct answer is odontalgia, the winning word from 1986.

Posted By: BranShea Re: Answers to Spelling Bee Quiz - 06/05/10 11:55 AM
Huh? Why did you give the answers befor I even could start guessing?
Posted By: Jackie Re: Answers to Spelling Bee Quiz - 06/06/10 01:37 AM
Em--I was hoping that people would see the quiz post first, then look at the answers. Sorry!
Posted By: Faldage Re: Answers to Spelling Bee Quiz - 06/06/10 12:07 PM
50-50 chance
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