Posted By: hogmaster frampold, the results - 08/09/08 01:54 PM
all the entrants have responded, in one form or another (twosleepy having recused herself).

herewith are the entries as submitted:

frampold.. choose one:

a) in Post and Beam construction: the mortises of the ridge beam which accept the tenons of the end roof rafters [Owlbow]
b) sour-tempered, cross, disagreeable, peevish [OED2]
c) the setting on which parallel bars are anchored in gymnastics [ASp]
d) a cool room for storage and maturation of harvested raspberries prior to making them into wine [wofa]
e) the lower jaw of the clamp used to lift logs onto a logging truck [Faldage]
f) a winding mechanism for cords on a clipper ship [Jackie]
g) of, or pertaining to, land resumed by a local government authority for purposes of public use [The Pook]
h) a european breed of cow, raised chiefly for milk, but also occasionally used for meat [twosleepy]
i) to defeat (an opponent) at tables by one of the two methods recognized by the laws of the game [tsuwm]
j) a tuning gauge of the timpani or kettle drums [BranShea]

the earliest citation in OED2 is from Shakespeare's Merry Wives:

Alas! the sweet woman leads an ill life with him; he’s a very jealousy man; she leads a very frampold life with him, good heart.
Posted By: hogmaster Re: frampold, the results - 08/09/08 02:24 PM
two comments only:

A: the word gives very little, etymologically, which led to "an eclectic bunch" of def'ns.

B: about the speculation: does anyone else think maybe it's gone a little overboard? there are just two points of etiquette given in one source for the 'live' dictionary game:
1. [the moderator] must read all definitions in a consistent, unbiased style. {see elsewhere for normalization comments}
2. bluffers must not interrupt.. with questions or speculation about the definitions being read or their authors.

one thought I had when reading some of the in-line analysis was this: we're only a short step away from something like: I know this word, and the correct answer is _____.

something seems a bit off when bluffers feel constrained to defend a choice of words in midst game.

I don't want to stifle anyone's commentary, that can be part of the fun; but maybe we could save the detailed analysis and critiquing for the results post? (i.e., this one)
Posted By: Owlbow Re: frampold, the results - 08/09/08 02:32 PM
Well said.

I was writting my comments while you posted this.

Thanks again for the game.
Posted By: BranShea Re: frampold, the results - 08/09/08 06:55 PM
"does anyone else think maybe it's gone a little overboard?"

Yes, definitely. Only one form of speculation in between the voting really adds to the fun; when it serves to put everyone into more confusion.
This serious speculating isn't fun, though I contributed a line on the frampold cow.(scusi)
None of it influenced my choice though. I had already decided before Alex voted/commented. None of the 'materialistic' defs. were convincing and although frampold it seemed like some tool- like word, it could be a stuwm word of his rare olden times'collection.

I hoped for a surprise to shame all speculatering,
Alas, but it was a good difficult to get word and one to remember
for using.

(Yes, I vote for at most only some nonsense speculation in between)
Thanks for the round.
Posted By: tsuwm Re: frampold, the results - 08/09/08 08:04 PM
>it could be a stuwm word


it's not yet, but it will be tsoon. frampold is, of course, the Bard's spelling; later forms included frampled.

-joe (frumpy) friday
Posted By: Faldage Re: frampold, the results - 08/09/08 08:04 PM
I dunno. Probably pointing out valid objections to a definition, e.g., Plural definition of a singular term {mea culpa}) sHould probably be avoided, but comments like (I've been in the business for twenty years and I've never heard the term) could easily be bluffs and should be interpreted as such by all players. I think of the days when Milo (we miss ya, bubba) would rant on about this that and the other thing and there weren't enough grains of salt in the whole universe to swallow them all. There should be some restraint here, but banning extra comments entirely is not, IMHSHO, warranted.
Posted By: tsuwm Re: frampold, the results - 08/09/08 08:06 PM
somehow, everyone just knew that Milo's rants were just that.

edit: and I don't think anyone has yet to suggest a ban
("detailed analysis and critiquing" notwithstanding).
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: frampold, the results - 08/09/08 11:43 PM
Who voted for which?
Posted By: The Pook Re: frampold, the results - 08/10/08 10:50 AM
See my comments on the other thread. Yes I agree we should not comment from now on.

I voted for owlie. doh!

The other thing I think should change is that the hogmaster should get more points if no one guesses the correct definition since it is almost impossible to achieve. It should be five points if no one gets your correct dictionary definition, one point for guessing the correct definition, and two points if someone guesses your pretend definition.
Posted By: Faldage Re: frampold, the results - 08/10/08 12:41 PM
Feel free to host one, TP.
Posted By: Alex Williams Re: frampold, the results - 08/12/08 06:01 PM
Rather than getting defensive over the comments my analytic voting has elicited, I must say that am quite gratified, as during a previous round of Hogwash I made complaints about others' similarly analytical comments. (I would provide a link but the search function is as useless as a screen door on a submarine.(Well, here's one after all.)) Those complaints of mine fell on deaf ears at the time, but I for one will gratified if this week's round brings about some agreed-upon points of etiquette when it comes to voting in future rounds. On the other hand a certain zany lack of respect for decorum is often a lot of fun.
Posted By: tsuwm Re: frampold, the results - 08/12/08 06:11 PM
qui s'excuse s'accuse

again, echoing post #2 above: I don't want to stifle anyone's commentary, that can be part of the fun; but maybe we could save the detailed analysis and critiquing for the results post? [EA]

Alex, the tone of the comments in your linked example was parfait.
Posted By: hogmaster Re: frampold, the results - 08/12/08 06:41 PM
 Originally Posted By: AnnaStrophic
Who voted for which?

sorry, completely lost my scoring touch, and my sense of whimsy, in the midst of my acrimonious response to the "detailed analysis and critiquing". it shan't happen again (till next time).

but, remember Rule A!
Posted By: Alex Williams Re: frampold, the results - 08/13/08 12:08 PM
 Originally Posted By: hogmaster
sorry, completely lost my scoring touch, and my sense of whimsy, in the midst of my acrimonious response to the "detailed analysis and critiquing". it shan't happen again (till next time).

So, you were somewhat frampold?
Posted By: BranShea Re: frampold, the results - 08/13/08 02:06 PM
Lacrimonious regrets.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: frampold, the results - 08/13/08 04:06 PM
To make searching unnecesary let me rephrase Rule A (as presented in the thread titled Wordplay and fun: Hogwash Rules): The points don't matter.

And just for fun let me add Rules B and C:

Rule B: The Hogmaster is always right, except as provided in Rule C.

Rule C: See Rule B.

Remember the object of the game is to have fun :-)
Posted By: hogmaster Re: frampold, the results - 08/13/08 04:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: Alex Williams
 Originally Posted By: hogmaster
sorry, completely lost my scoring touch, and my sense of whimsy, in the midst of my acrimonious response to the "detailed analysis and critiquing". it shan't happen again (till next time).

So, you were somewhat frampold?

yes. also frampled.

not to put too fine a point on it.
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