Posted By: Jackie Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 07:50 PM
Here's the entire encarta dictionary definition:

thrap·ple [ thrápp'l ]

noun (plural thrap·ples)


throat: the human throat or windpipe

transitive verb (past and past participle thrap·pled, present participle thrap·pling,
3rd person present singular thrap·ples)


throttle: to throttle somebody

[14th century. Origin?]


Which the discerning will recognize part of as letter G in the list. (So, tsuwm,
your comment gave me a laugh even though you were right!)

Okay; I'll put the submitters in blue and the voters in red.

a.) noun. a pruning hook with rope attached that is thrown over branches and
pulled to bring them within reach. From O.E. þrawan "to twist, turn writhe"
and O.Fr. grapil, a hook.
The Pook Voted for by etaoin

b.) the sounds made by peacocks
tsuwm Voted for by belMarduk

c.) A process in tanning leather - pounding the hide to make it supple.

d.) To work your way against an oncoming throng of people by slapping,
pushing and dodging. To Thrapple your way through a crowd.
olly Voted for by twosleepy

e.) The sound of light, hoofed animals on a gravel track.

f.) An intermediate knot used in creating more complex decorative ones,
such as the Monkey’s Fist and Masthead.
Owlbow Voted for by The Pook; AnnaStrophic

g.) N: throat: the human throat or windpipe
V: throttle: to throttle somebody

h.) a mixture of bits of salted meat and dried apples preserved in
rendered animal fats used on the American frontier in the 17th and 18th Centuries.
Father Steve Voted for by BranShea

i.) The sound made by an outboard motor in brackish water.
Fiberbabe Voted for by tsuwm

j.) a slapping only fight, usually recorded on a mobile phone. See "Happy slapping".
shanks Voted for by olly

k.) A mixture of nuts and roasted grains, sweetened with maple sugar, eaten as a snack.
Faldage Voted for by Aramis

l.) \Thrap"ple\, n. The mash left over from pressings to make apple cider
or juice. Derived from the abbreviation of the phrase "thrashed apples", used by press operators.

m.) The underside of a sheep's hindquarters.
AnnaStrophic Voted for by Faldage; Owlbow

n.) n. a dessert made with fruit [usually berries] folded into a cream-based batter
Aramis Voted for by shanks; Father Steve

So, Owlbow, AnnaStrophic, and Aramis get
two points each for garnering two votes each. Submitters with one vote get one point.
Consuelo gets two bonus points: her submission read: v. to grasp around the throat (slang).
I shall award myself 3 points for a shutout.

I think the evenness of the vote spread shows what good selections there were. Confess I was surprised at the overlapping: four were for food (two of which were quite similar), three were for sounds, and two were for slapping. Good round, you-all!

EDIT: if anybody can tell me why this is w-i-d-e, I'll try to fix it. Edit again: got it.
Posted By: twosleepy Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 08:02 PM
Can I get a sympathy point, here? Say, one point for the two people who mentioned it, one as liking the concept and one noting it was "beautifully crafted"? :0)
Posted By: Jackie Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 08:07 PM
Okay, but: I'm afraid your mention of the word scrapple
cancels it out. I was kind of hoping people would conflate the two words in their minds--then you went and pointed it out! Oh, okay--I award a half-point for beautiful craftsmanship! :-)
Posted By: twosleepy Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 08:20 PM
In my defense, no one voted after my post; all votes were in. I guess the scrapple thing was so obvious to me, I thought it would be the first thing most people thought of, too. Sorry for the fox paws.... (and thanx for the 1/2 point!) :0)
Posted By: Jackie Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 09:12 PM
all votes were in All that ended up coming in, yes. But at that time I was hoping that at least Fiberbabe, if not other unknowns, would still cast one. Ah well; in truth, I think it would be an underestimation of these people to have truly thought they'd believe thrapple was scrapple. You can have another half point!
Posted By: Faldage Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 09:29 PM
I believe the wides is being caused by your lines of equal signs. Chop the first one by about seven =s and the second by six.
Posted By: Jackie Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 09:49 PM
Uh oh--yours is still wide, then? Mine's fine, but I'll go do what you suggest.
Posted By: twosleepy Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 10:11 PM
Gee, thanks Jackie! You're a peach! :0)

Not sure what the width issue is, though. This page, and it's columns, has all the same dimensions as other pages I view on this site.
Posted By: Faldage Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/05/08 10:59 PM
FWIW, I have a fuzzy, out of focus, old CRT monitor and have my screen resolution set to 800x600. The lovely AnnaS has it set to 1024x768. I don't know how she can read anything.
Posted By: The Pook Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/06/08 08:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Jackie
Okay, but: I'm afraid your mention of the word scrapple
cancels it out. I was kind of hoping people would conflate the two words in their minds--then you went and pointed it out! Oh, okay--I award a half-point for beautiful craftsmanship! :-)

Hey, mine was said to be beautifully crafted too (after which no one else voted for it of course!) - do I get another half vote??

When we played this game at home I think we always used to award five points for a shutout, because it's so hard to get, two points for someone else guessing yours and one point for guessing the right definition. I definitely think you should get more than one vote for someone guessing your definition. Either way, you still win the round Jackie, well done!
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/06/08 11:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: The Pook
Hey, mine was said to be beautifully crafted too (after which no one else voted for it of course!) - do I get another half vote??

so, i voted for it before it was beautifully crafted? ;¬ )
Posted By: Faldage Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/06/08 12:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: etaoin
 Originally Posted By: The Pook
Hey, mine was said(E.A.) to be beautifully crafted too (after which no one else voted for it of course!) - do I get another half vote??

so, i voted for it before it was beautifully crafted? ;¬ )
Posted By: BranShea Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/06/08 03:42 PM
Any chance on getting a quarter point? It's a pity tsuwm never heard chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) passing by on a mountain trail. 'Trappel' BTW is the sound horses make with their hoofs (in Holland that is). (never trust your own language in a hogwash).

> 2sleepy, my - in reserve- def. was almost identical to yours, only the mash was from quince and crabapple. I almost voted for it and should have , too late , too late.
I fell for the half starving pioneers. \:\)
Posted By: Owlbow Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/06/08 03:51 PM
Congratulations Jackie, and thank you for a great hog washing.
I’m happy, (not laughing), to share 2nd place. I now fully realize that points do matter. Therefore, I think that those that received any quesses should get another half point. After all, they crafted definitions that were good enough to fool some of the cleverest people that I virtually know. If so, it will bring my average up to 0.07 points/game.
Posted By: BranShea Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/06/08 03:56 PM
The pook.
Your's was indeed beautifully crafted and tempting but then I imagined the scene and had a fit of laughther, the apple tree , that rope and that hook . \:D
I shouldn't have mentioned it maybe. In the next round when I will have the usual five votes () I will put four of them on your account. Please don't thrapple me.

Yes Jackie, good round!
Posted By: twosleepy Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/06/08 08:36 PM
Pook: Quit whining! At least someone voted for yours! If it weren't for Jackie's kindness, I'd have a big goose egg...

Bran: Thanks for the (almost) vote. I'll try to make mine even better next time!

Jackie: Another this week? I think y'all should do this at least twice a month. :0)
Posted By: The Pook Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/06/08 11:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: etaoin
 Originally Posted By: The Pook
Hey, mine was said to be beautifully crafted too (after which no one else voted for it of course!) - do I get another half vote??

so, i voted for it before it was beautifully crafted? ;¬ )

Yes, thanks for that etaoin \:\)

Perhaps I would have returned the favour had you submitted a definition!
Posted By: Jackie Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/07/08 02:33 AM
I don't normally function as hogmistress, so I think I'll leave the next round to the usual suspect(s). I just thought it seemed like it might be a good time to have a round, and judging by how fun all the definitions were, I'd say I was right--this was a LOT of fun!
Posted By: twosleepy Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/07/08 02:36 AM
You are correct... it was lots of fun! I don't know who the "usual suspects" are, but you oink pretty good! Let's do it again! ;0)
Posted By: olly Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/07/08 08:30 AM
Thrapple would make a great word of the day.
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/07/08 12:30 PM
 Originally Posted By: olly
Thrapple would make a great word of the day.

I wouldn't be surprised if tsuwm takes it on.

Jackie, this was one of the best rounds we've had, newbie protestations notwithstanding...
Posted By: Jackie Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/08/08 02:08 AM
Thank you! :-)
Posted By: tsuwm Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/10/08 05:17 AM
I happened to be browsing Webster's Unabridged today and saw this:

Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: alteration of thropple
Scotland : THROAT, WINDPIPE -- used especially of the horse

'alteration of thropple' -- well, d'oh!

-joe (whinny) friday
Posted By: Jackie Re: Thrapple revealed - 04/11/08 08:41 PM
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