Posted By: Wordwind History with a Twist - 01/23/05 12:31 PM
History with a Twist would be a great title, don't you think, for a book by of troy on the history of fibers, knitting, weaving, etc.!!!

of troy, I know you're working on a book, but this history with a twist would be great fun for people to read. Dr. Bill wrote yesterday that rope making goes back oer 17,000 years, which really isn't a surprise. We'd discussed in an earlier *thread last year the human proclivity for twisting fibers.

Anyway, I just thought of this title and thought of troy should write the book! I'll buy it.

Posted By: plutarch Yarns by the Yard - 01/23/05 01:53 PM
a book by of troy on the history of fibers, knitting, weaving

You know, Wordwind, wool is made from sheep, and I don't feel sheepish about telling you that Of Troy knows as much about sheep as she does about wool. She has already told us a yarn or two about sheep, doncha remember?

Of Troy has more darn yarns than Dr. Bill. She could write a book about fibers and knitting and weaving but, have no doubt, Wordwind, she'll weave a lot more into it.

I'll buy the book too. And I won't feel like I'm getting fleeced 'cause I won't be buying it for the yarn. I'll be buying it for the yarns. :)

Of Troy can sell these yarns by the yard.

So that's what Of Troy should call her book:

Yarns by the Yard

Posted By: themilum Re: History with a Twist - 01/23/05 02:18 PM
I'd buy of troy's book too but wouldn't annoy her with clever puns on the subject. I would pay 19.95...no make that...24.95 for a book by of troy on "Yarns".

Amd for a book on the "Wonder and Joy of the Modern American Male" by of troy I'd pay 39.50.

Of course of troy can write a book on just about anything.

Posted By: plutarch Re: History with a Twist - 01/23/05 02:26 PM
re "no clever puns"

That was no clever pun, themilum. "Yarns by the Yard" would be serious fun. I wouldn't pay $24.95 to laugh at my own pun. What's the fun of that?

Posted By: Wordwind Re: History with a Twist - 01/23/05 02:29 PM
I still like 'History with a Twist' because the scope sounds broader than just yarn and yards--and yet the 'with a twist' makes it sound enjoyable without being too much of a history tome that would turn off the general reader.

of troy, I hope you're enjoying our mapping out your scholarly life for you!

Posted By: plutarch Re: History with a Twist - 01/23/05 02:57 PM
mapping out your scholarly life for you!

As musick would say: She don't need no stinkin' map.

I'm sure she's got it all mapped out already. :)

Posted By: Father Steve Re: History with a Twist - 01/24/05 03:03 AM
Monica Ferris, A Murderous Yarn (Needlecraft Mysteries series), Berkley Publishing, 2002.

Could Monica Ferris be a nom de plume for Of Troy?

Posted By: TEd Remington Re: History with a Twist - 01/25/05 05:57 PM
I suspect she was shaken, not stirred.

Posted By: dxb Re: History with a Twist - 01/26/05 11:52 AM
The Twisted Thread.

We have had lots of those.

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