Posted By: Father Steve flashlight / torch - 07/11/03 05:11 PM
Native speakers in the Mother Country say "torch" when they mean "flashlight" and native speakers in the Colonies (USA and Canada) say "flashlight" when they mean "torch". Why?

PS: This question is prompted by my acquisition of the world's coolest flashlight/torch ... which never needs batteries (one shakes a magnet back and forth through a coil to generate electricity which is stored in a capacitor) and never needs a new light bulb (it has an LED instead). Like I said, totally cool!

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: flashlight / torch - 07/11/03 05:28 PM
native speakers in the Colonies (USA and Canada) say "flashlight" when they mean "torch".

we do?

Posted By: wwh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/11/03 05:36 PM
There were torches, flammable material on one end of a short rod long before flashlights. They were dangerous, and often could not put light where you needed it most, and if wind blew it out, it was hard to relight.
So there are a number of important reasons for regrarding "flashlight" as a better descriptive term.
Incidentally, a lot of users are stupid about extending battery life by not shutting it off quickly when they can see where they are going without it.
And now that there are natural gas torches for plumbing, etc, "torch" alone is ambiquous.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: flashlight / torch - 07/11/03 05:37 PM
it's seems fairly clear how both could develop. the device serves as an electrified version of a torch; while it operates by flashing the (source of) light on and off. the variation can be explained away due to the widening gulf between languages at the time of its invention.

-ron o.

ron's mantling obviousation: I claim the simultaneous post exemption
Posted By: Capfka Re: flashlight / torch - 07/11/03 08:00 PM
Actually, as a transponder, I have never, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever, used the world "flashlight" except for in this post. Neither have I heard it used by anyone outside of the US or a US-trained bod who has wandered off the straight and narrow.

It is purely an Americanism as far as I am aware. The juxtaposition of meaning suggested above simply doesn't exist.

Posted By: wwh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/11/03 08:44 PM
5TRAN(SMITTER) + (RE)SPONDER6 a radio or radar transceiver that automatically transmits electrical signals when actuated by a specific signal from an interrogator

Dear Capfka: who's your interrogator these days?

Posted By: Capfka Re: flashlight / torch - 07/11/03 11:10 PM
Try the adjectival noun form, STRANS "across" and POND "the water" plus -ER, a "thing" with the quality of.

Posted By: wwh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/11/03 11:57 PM
Dear Capfka: I will PONDer your evasion.

Posted By: Alex Williams Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 03:33 AM
It used to be common for flashlights to have a button that, when depressed, would temporarily light the bulb. It wouldn't click into an "on" position, so when you released your thumb the light would go out. Presumably this was for signalling with morse code. I suppose the military still uses this feature, but most flashlights I see now are simply on/off and have no signalling button.

Posted By: Jackie Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 12:21 PM
Ok, what do Britspeakers call those, um, little wicker baskets on poles, wherein you can burn a real flame that ostensibly keeps mosquitoes away from your deck or other outdoor gathering place? I saw some in the store last night, labeled as torches.

Posted By: wwh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 12:33 PM
If the Colossus of Rhodes were still standing astride the entrance to harbor of Rhodes,(which it never did)and the Stutue of Liberty was put on a barge and towed into the harbor of Rhodes, what would the Colossus say?

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 03:35 PM
"Baskets on poles" - if fixed in position, are usually called "Beacons" over here. If they are the sort that you can carry around with you, then I think we would probably call them torches. A lot depends on what they are being used for - torches to give light, beacons to give a signal of some sort.

Posted By: wwh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 05:21 PM
Dear RC: in my cranesfoot I have a line of Bicknell(s) who were so named because they lived on Beacon Hill, where bonfires were lit at night to guide fishermen home.

Posted By: wow Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 06:02 PM
my acquisition of the world's coolest flashlight/torch ... which never needs batteries (one shakes a magnet back and forth through a coil to generate electricity which is stored in a capacitor) and never needs a new light bulb (it has an LED instead). Like I said, totally cool!

OK, Father Steve, how about sharing the trade name and manufacturer? Sounds like just the ticket for my part of the country where storms often kibosh the electricity when winter storms hit.
Please? Oh, and if you feel you can, the price?

Posted By: wwh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 07:15 PM
Dear wow: Radio Shack used to sell a rechargeable flashlight
that was mounted on a fixture that could be fastened to wall near an outlet. Only cost about ten bucks and last several years, always ready to use, and where you can find it in the dark.

Posted By: jmh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 10:18 PM
>how about sharing the trade name and manufacturer?

Ah yes, an invention much admired by Nelson Mandela. The inventor saw a programme about the need to spread information about HIV in Africa and came up with the idea of a wind up radio, to conquer the problem of the cost of batteries in hard to reach areas, the flashlight/torch was designed along the same principles. Google "wind up flashlight" for local supppliers.

The power of an idea. Award-winning British inventor Trevor Baylis took the concept behind the common windup clock and applied it to radio technology, inventing the “clockwork radio.”
His goal was to provide a cheap, and accessible means of communication to people in Africa, where radios are the primary means of information distribution but electricity is scarce and batteries expensive. By making radio technology independent of electricity yet still reliable, the people in Africa would have access to information on preventive health care, relief and AIDS.
A South African company, BayGen, bought into the idea, but found the cost of the radio was too high for the African market. End of story? Hardly. BayGen began to build on Baylis’ idea, looking beyond radios, and beyond Africa.
In addition to the radio, BayGen developed a windup flashlight. Thirty seconds of cranking buys you seven minutes of light, courtesy of the same Baylis generator that powered the clockwork radio. BayGen found a market for its products under the “Freeplay” brand — mainly in developed countries, where the technology suits emergency preparedness kits, survivalist groups and a host of outdoor activities. Companies such as Innovative Technologies, a small Victoria, British Columbia, firm, have found markets for windup devices in North America.
Power to Change Lives
The windup radio’s low-tech look is deceptive. The crank and the spring it’s connected to are simple enough; but there are a few high-tech bits that have transformed the basic idea into something that people would actually buy.
There’s a solar panel for sunny days, and electronics that store power and regulate the spring so that it only unwinds when necessary, preserving energy. The new radio plays for an hour, twice as long as the original model.
In 1996, BayGen began selling the windup radios worldwide; aid organizations like the Red Cross and the United Nations have also begun distributing them.
The Freeplay radio has been awarded the BBC Design Award for Best Product and Best Design. It’s no wonder: A windup generator that could connect to and power any battery operated device, anywhere, could significantly change the lives of many people who don’t have ready access to even simple technology. It also has far-reaching implications for technological development. There are plans to include windup technology in landmine detectors, talking books and even the upcoming Apple eMate 300 computer. “The technology is there and can be adapted to any product,” says Philip Goodwin, an industrial designer at BayGen.
The more of the radios built and sold in the developed world, the cheaper they become for the Third World. And that would be the realization of a simple idea that has since spun off into an industry.

Posted By: wwh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/12/03 10:35 PM
Dear sjm: you reminded me of the little generator on my beloved Raleigh bike, how little drag it caused when riding at night with it on. And the same technology over fifty years ago made possible a real "flash" light that I saw one night down on the Cape Cod canal, where I was fishing. A guy came along with a hand held light, that when he squeezed the handle turned a tiny generator with enough flywheel effect to give three of four seconds of bright light, and only a little longer wait before he could squeeze the handle again. I didn't get a chance to ask him the name of the manufacturer. I have never seen one since.

Posted By: JohnHawaii Re: flashlight / torch - 07/13/03 05:10 AM
I have one of those flashlights you describe. Prolonged use can be demanding on the forearm. I also have a small radio that runs on the energy (kinetic?) stored by winding a small handle on the front. I saw a TV special a while back about the guy who invented this type of apparatus(or more probably improved on the technology). His motivation was to provide remote African villages with radio reception.

Posted By: Father Steve Re: flashlight / torch - 07/20/03 03:09 AM
OK, Father Steve, how about sharing the trade name and manufacturer? Sounds like just the ticket for my part of the country where storms often kibosh the electricity when winter storms hit.
Please? Oh, and if you feel you can, the price?

The brand I got is called NightStar and it cost me about forty bucks. I just got back from a week at camp and can attest that it functioned as advertised -- and also amazed the little campers who saw me "shaking my flashlight" before heading up the trail each night.

Posted By: Father Steve Re: flashlight / torch - 07/20/03 03:11 AM
It used to be common for flashlights to have a button that, when depressed, would temporarily light the bulb. It wouldn't click into an "on" position, so when you released your thumb the light would go out. Presumably this was for signalling with morse code. I suppose the military still uses this feature, but most flashlights I see now are simply on/off and have no signalling button.

For no good reason, I saved the several "official" Boy Scout flashlights which I used when I was a lad. All of them have this "Morse" feature ... because we were all supposed to learn the code and use it.

Posted By: wow Re: flashlight / torch - 07/20/03 01:58 PM
I saved the several "official" Boy Scout flashlights which I used when I was a lad...
Probably worth a few fancy bucks to collectors of Boy Scout
memorabilia or appliance colletors!! If interested consult any of the books the Kovells publish - at you local library.

Posted By: wwh Re: flashlight / torch - 07/20/03 02:31 PM
Here's a URL describing solar powered rechargeable nicads.
Takes 24 hours full sun for full charge, but maintainance charge would need only a few hours of sunlight.Scroll sown halfway:
http://www.advancedenergyonline.com/catalog/power storage/Solar Battery Chargers.htm

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