Posted By: Jackie ferine - 11/01/01 03:44 AM
This verse opens "The Call of the Wild":
“Old longings nomadic leap,
Chafing at custom’s chain;
Again from its brumal sleep
Wakens the ferine strain.”

What are brumal and ferine, please? Is ferine another form of feral?

Posted By: Bingley Re: ferine - 11/01/01 04:05 AM
brumal: related to winter says the AHD(http://www.bartleby.com/61/37/B0513700.html)

ferine: the same source give feral as the definition (http://www.bartleby.com/61/15/F0081500.html)

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: London Calling - 11/01/01 10:05 AM
Why this sudden interest in things London, Jackie?

Posted By: Jackie Re: London Calling - 11/01/01 11:16 AM
Why this sudden interest in things London, Jackie?You ask, I answer. Let me start by saying that lately, it seems that all I have the time for is to read the board--posting takes more time than I can afford. It occurred to me that there has been very little that I would term as "meaty" or "singing". (And most of those that have been that way to me have revolved around Wordwind--thank you, my Dear--you are a joy!)

So last night, I had a bit of time, and thought I would make an effort to post something that might lead us back to what this board is all about. And where to look for inspiration-in-context? Bibliomania, of course! I first went to Poetry, thinking I could find something there pretty quickly, and I did. Then I went to Fiction, and pulled up a non-British author, thinking that our British members might find that a bit more interesting; hoping that at least they might not have already discussed this particular work to death, as they probably have most of the classics by British authors. You ask; I answer.
Thanks, Bingley!

Posted By: wwh Re: London Calling - 11/01/01 02:39 PM
Jackie: Please, do it again.And again. And again.

Posted By: Keiva (deleted; had pasted post into wrong thread) - 11/01/01 06:08 PM
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