Posted By: Racemosa Operationalisation - 11/29/11 06:06 AM
We've been having a bit of an argument over at indiamike.com.

In the course of discussing "the quirks of Indian English," someone asked whether "operationalisation," a word Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (a former professor of economics) had been quoted using, is generally accepted in the wider community of English speakers outside India or is just a quirky Indianism.

In trying to find information about this word, it was noticed that a number of general English dictionaries do not include "operationalisation," even if they do have entries for "operationalise," "operationalism," and/or "operationalist."

What do you think?

From your experience, would you say that "operationalisation" (or "operationalization") is a generally-accepted word in standard Engish outside India?

Is it an Americanism, or is it also used in Britain, Australia, etc?

And what do you make of the fact that some dictionaries do include "operationalise" while ignoring "operationalisation"?
Does this imply that operationalisation has not yet been accepted in standard English?
Posted By: tsuwm Re: Operationalisation - 11/29/11 06:18 AM
operationalization can be found in OED[online] and W3, and in a lot of books - it seems to be a 'term of art' in the humanities, for one.

I don't think I've ever heard it spoken though.
Posted By: Candy Re: Operationalisation - 11/29/11 09:38 AM
I've not come across it in Australia either.
Posted By: Rhubarb Commando Re: Operationalisation - 11/29/11 10:55 AM
As a Brit, I would have no fear of going to hospital to have my appendix removed.
But the thought of going through a process of operationalis(z)ation fills me with dread!
Posted By: bexter Re: Operationalisation - 11/29/11 11:36 AM
Ha nice one Rhuby!
I have seen it written down but never heard it used...a boss I once had did use "efficientise" once...*shakes head e*
Posted By: Faldage Re: Operationalisation - 11/29/11 12:29 PM
It has its own Wikipedia article. I don't know how much realer you can get short of being an answer in the NYT Sunday crossword puzzle.
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: Operationalisation - 11/29/11 04:44 PM
And a very good article in Wiki to be sure.
Posted By: Tromboniator Re: Operationalisation - 11/30/11 04:36 AM
It appears from the accompanying diagram that the human psyche determines personal space according to the U.S. Customary System rather than the Metric System.
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