Posted By: Hydra To meet with the death of one's father - 10/14/07 03:04 PM
Supposing you had to coin a word (the more absurd, inkhorn, and Latinate the better) to mean, "to meet with the death of one's father" (not a -cide word mind you, but death by any cause whatsoever) what would it be? I have been given such a term in Korean (a little known Sino-Korean verbositism) and, upon admitting that no equivalent word exists in English, challenged to "make one up".

Thanks for your help.
Posted By: Hydra Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/14/07 03:07 PM
I may as well start the ball rolling with paterexpiry.
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/14/07 03:57 PM
How about patrimortism? The thing to do is find a character in myth, legend, or literature, and coin a word therefrom: e.g., Oedipus complex, chauvinism. It might be an East-West thing. We have the aforementioned Oedipus, but also Kronos dispatching his father Ouranos, and subsequently be deposed by his son, Zeus (cf. Goya's painting of Saturn Eating His Son). In the Bible, we have Jacob supplanting his brother Esau by duping his father Isaac to bless him instead. Ah, well. I'm sure the others will come up with better suggestions. But, just one last inkhornish word: patrothanatoblepsism 'contemplation of the death of one's father'.
Posted By: tsuwm Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/14/07 04:24 PM
thanatopsis can already be found, so why not patrothanatopsis.
Posted By: Myridon Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/15/07 04:25 PM
I wanted to explore something without patri- and get the "meet" (convenire - to come together) into it. I could have gone for -convenience but that sounds awfully Soylent Green (Dad just wandered out on to the ice flow by himself. How genitomortuaconvenient!)
Posted By: BranShea Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/15/07 04:39 PM
Any of your dear dead fathers maybe asked you for his last wish to coin him an extra inkhorn word for the event?
Absurd indeed.And yes, I'm sorry.
Posted By: Hydra Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/17/07 12:48 AM
Thanks guys.

The Korean word (by contrast with your fantastic and fantastical creations) is only two syllables, "wae-ghan", or five for the verb, "wae-ghan-ul ib-dah".

> to meet with the death of one's father

what does this mean? to meet with the death?
Posted By: Faldage Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/17/07 12:05 PM
Originally Posted By: etaoin
> to meet with the death of one's father

what does this mean? to meet with the death?

I suspect, "to be faced with."
Originally Posted By: Hydra
Thanks guys.

The Korean word (by contrast with your fantastic and fantastical creations) is only two syllables, "wae-ghan", or five for the verb, "wae-ghan-ul ib-dah".

Cool, Hydra! Do you actually speak Korean?
Originally Posted By: Faldage
Originally Posted By: etaoin
> to meet with the death of one's father

what does this mean? to meet with the death?

I suspect, "to be faced with."

thanks. that makes more sense.
Posted By: Hydra Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/17/07 07:00 PM
Cool, Hydra! Do you actually speak Korean?

I try, but it's more likely that I murder it.

It's a lot of fun though.
Originally Posted By: Hydra
Cool, Hydra! Do you actually speak Korean?

I try, but it's more likely that I murder it.

It's a lot of fun though.

so, it's like you meet with the death of the Korean language?
Posted By: Hydra Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/17/07 07:48 PM
I'm sure they have a word for it.
Posted By: Jackie Re: To meet with the death of one's father - 10/18/07 02:26 AM
so, it's like you meet with the death of the Korean language?
I'm sure they have a word for it. They do: Hydra!
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