Posted By: tsuwm prastuphulic - 03/08/01 03:28 AM
a subscriber writes:
"I have a word for which I have never been able to find a definition: "prastuphulic." It's used in the book "Egg Dancing" by Liz Jensen, which was published in 1996 by Overlook Press (according to Amazon.com). I don't have the book with me now so I cannot give you a page reference, but I remember the sentence is something like, "My mother always thought I'd turn into a raggedy, prastuphulic woman, with a severe drinking problem.""

other than guessing from context, I am metagrobolized and bereft of clues.

Posted By: NicholasW Re: another mystery word - 03/08/01 11:19 AM
It looks like Greek, but the closest roots are pras- 'leek' + tuphl- 'blind': make of that what you will.

Posted By: wsieber Re: another mystery word - 03/08/01 11:48 AM

If the prophecy turned out correct, then in all probability it must be a synonym for matricidal

Posted By: wwh Re: another mystery word - 03/08/01 02:04 PM
I don't know what the penalty for wrong and unscientific guesses here should be, but I guess that this is actually a nonsense word, because neither root nor ending is recognizable.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: prastuphulic - 05/20/03 12:19 PM
another subscriber responded "I believe it's of Welsh origin & means heavyset... with a hint of slatternly. I have a small Collins Welsh dictionary & there're some near cognates in it..."

Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: prastuphulic - 05/20/03 02:14 PM
...sounds as though it should have been -philic" and perhaps a few other typos here and there as well.

One could also decide that this is all just washing a hog in public...

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