Posted By: dalehileman deleterious - 10/01/07 02:52 PM
Anu: I agree wholeheartedly with the correspondent who wants more "practical" words, as above

It's a Type-2 word, as I've discussed from time to time but can't quickly provide a link because I haven't really caught onto the Search Algorithm

Thanks for WS and keep up the good work. I still can't believe you're doing it all for free
Posted By: ocelotl Re: deleterious - 10/01/07 04:01 PM
Anu: I completely agree with you and wholeheartedly disagree with dalehileman who wants more "practical" words; I don't know what a more "practical" word is. What if one used the word "puissant" more often. Would it then be considered more practical? Sigh.
Thanks for wordsmith and at least making me want to read my mail and comment in this forum on nice things like words. <Ocelotl>
Posted By: dalehileman Re: deleterious - 10/01/07 07:07 PM
lotl: I would presume you're better at Search than I because most everyone is, but in short, a Type-1 is of the sort you'll find most often in everyday conversation; Type-3 the snooty one almost nobody uses; and the Type-2, much less seldom used but often conveying the idea more accurately or colorfully. Join me in my quest to propagate the Type-2
Posted By: Aramis Re: deleterious - 10/01/07 08:25 PM
Anyone feel Helen lurking?
Posted By: Zed Re: deleterious - 10/01/07 11:55 PM
Hi ocelotl and welcome.
I'm with you.
My definition of practical is something which does the job you want it to do. An inlaid,antique, bow front highboy is just as practical as an Ikea cabinet - if it holds the things you want it to. It is more practical if it is a better fit with your other antiques whatsits or even if it just gives you more pleasure to look at. The words I find useful and practical at work are not the ones I use hanging out with friends.
Posted By: ocelotl Re: deleterious - 10/03/07 05:15 PM
Oh, and just to remind everyone, notice that Anu nearly always finds examples of the word usage from newspapers! How much more practical can he get? Bravo, Anu!
Posted By: dalehileman Re: deleterious - 10/29/07 02:00 PM
Newspaper stories contain mostly Type-1 where the writer is aiming at the lowest common denominator
Posted By: of troy Re: deleterious - 10/29/07 02:33 PM
Dale, you forgot to point out that while you don't make a habit of it, (so you say)
you are for some reason bubbling this back up to the top.

you are really getting old and forgetful aren't you?

Posted By: dalehileman Re: deleterious - 11/07/07 04:06 PM
I won't make a habit of it, but for some inexplicable reason I felt compelled to bubble this one back up
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