Posted By: wwh formication - 01/09/04 04:05 PM
This definition goofed in not mentioning that the "form-"
refers to ants.
Noun 1. formication - hallucinated sensation that insects or snakes are crawling over the skin; a common side-effect of extensive use of cocaine or amphetamines

And defintion also goofed in saying it is "hallucination".
It is usually an illusion, a misinterpretation of itching
from contact dermatitis, etc.

Posted By: Bingley Re: formication - 01/13/04 07:43 AM
And the connection with formica is?

Posted By: wwh Re: formication - 01/13/04 02:21 PM
Methyl alcohol has an aldehyde,commonly called formalin.
Oxidize that and you get formic acid, which was originally
gotten from destructive distillation of ants. Maybe formic acid is what makes ant bites hurt. (a guess).
From the internet:
* The limitations of celluloid led to the next major advance, known as "phenolic" or "phenol-formaldehyde" plastics. A chemist named Leo Hendrik Baekelund, a Belgian-born American living in New York state, was searching for an insulating shellac to coat wires in electric motors and generators. Baekelund found that mixtures of phenol (C6H5OH) and formaldehyde (HCOH) formed a sticky mass when mixed together and heated, and the mass became extremely hard if allowed to cool and dry.
Apparently demand for formica has dropped drastically.
I found a site that said principal producer is in Chap.11/

Posted By: jheem Re: formication - 01/13/04 02:55 PM
Thanks, Doc. I always assumed that Formica was connected to ants somehow, but now I know.

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Raid! - 01/13/04 03:08 PM
connected to ants

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Raid! - 01/19/04 08:03 PM
And I'd just assumed the reverse.

Posted By: Sparteye bakelite - 01/22/04 03:18 AM
A chemist named Leo Hendrik Baekelund, a Belgian-born American living in New York state, was searching for an insulating shellac to coat wires in electric motors and generators. Baekelund found that mixtures of phenol (C6H5OH) and formaldehyde (HCOH) formed a sticky mass when mixed together and heated, and the mass became extremely hard if allowed to cool and dry.

I'd never thought about the etymology of bakelite plastic before, but as soon as you mentioned Baekelund, I suspected that bakelike was his creation. This site :


says that bakelite is indeed named after Baekelund. Cool.

Posted By: maahey Re: formication - 01/22/04 04:05 PM
but..but..but, aren't ants called Formica something or the other in Latin?

Posted By: jheem Re: formication - 01/22/04 05:45 PM
Yes, formica is ant in Latin, but I meant how Formica (tm) the product came to be named.

Posted By: wwh Re: formication - 01/22/04 05:54 PM
From an online Latin dictionary:
formic.a N 1 1 NOM S F
formic.a N 1 1 ABL S F
formica, formicae N F

Posted By: Faldage Re: formication - 01/22/04 05:56 PM
Yes, your lovely FormicaŽ countertops are made from the crushed and mutilated bodies of thousands and thousands of tiny little poor innocent ants who gave their lives so you can enjoy your caviar canapes.

Posted By: jheem Re: formication - 01/22/04 05:59 PM
I don't think they still get it from destilled crushed ant bodies, but hey maybe they do.

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: formoocation, pig, pig, pig - 01/22/04 06:26 PM
well, that's the trouble with butcher block countertops, all those cows and pigs running through your kitchen looking for sugar...

Posted By: wwh Re: formoocation, pig, pig, pig - 01/22/04 06:38 PM
When I was assistant director of MA Biologic Labs, we had
a new vaccine get formicked up. After first batch had stood
a while, there was a reddish sediment. One ingredient had
a small amount of phenol as preservative, another had formalin as preservative. The sediment was bakelite.

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